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Embeding pictures in Hurricane candles

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I have been making candles for about 2 months now & tried embeding pictured into hurricane shells like it shows here on this website. My picture keeps pulling away from the shell after i take it out of the mold. How can I stop this? Any ideas? I need new ideas on new candles..check out what i have done so far.


Angie B:yay:

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Try dipping your picture in hot wax and letting it cool before you insert it into the hurricane. Then hold the picture in place with bamboo skewers while taking a piece of ice to the outside of the mold and rubbing the air bubbles out with the skewer. Then take it directly to your water bath. HTH Portia

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Angie, look under Techniques & Ideas to the left of the screen. There are good step by step instructions on how to make a picture hurricane. I just posted this info to Kelly,


Kelly, I started with IGI 1260 'cane wax also. It works OK for regular 'canes but I think you will have better luck with the Candlewic 5055 for picture 'canes with 1/2 oz of micro 180 pp of wax. Make sure your molds are spotless. Check the temp of your water bath. It does make a diff. Should be 72 to 78 degrees. What paper are you using? I have better luck with the HP bright white 24# paper. As you have already been told, practice, practice, practice! And then practice some more. I only put mine in the fridge for 5 min. I may have to shake them a little to get them to slide out. The hardest thing to do is wait overnight before trying to unmold them. It really makes a difference. Good Luck"

Maybe soemthing there will help you. Good Luck

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Read what we all wrote to Kelly.....it takes practice. Just like anything else in life that is worthwhile...you have to practice. I know that it isn't always fun to keep re doing things, but that is how you will learn. I was watching my wax and finally it dawned on me what I might be doing wrong...just a little thing can make a huge difference.....One time there was a recipe in Martha Stewart's magazine when it first came out.....it was for bread. The recipe called for 2T salt......well....I knew that was wrong. It should have been 2 tsp.....I called the magazine and informed them of their mistake....no one caught it.....it was still wrong in the next month's issue. I am sure that people who tried that recipe never made it again.....just a little typo made all the difference in the world. See....even the big time people don't always get it right. Donita

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