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Eco Friendly Candles

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A 100% soy wax candle with EO's and no dyes in my book would be eco-friendly...personally I think a soy candle with dye and FO is still an eco-friendly candle. You can get dyes that are not petro based and very eco friendly and I have asked quite a few of the FO suppliers if they have Pthalates...(a group of chemicals that have been linked to respiratory problems commonly used in the candle industry to dilute fragrances and make them more soluble in wax)...in their fo's, most did not have them, some said they had a few that did. Just an FYI...NG was no Pthalates in any of their fo's ...:cheesy2:

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To me, eco-friendly means it helps preserve the natural environment. Doesn't the production of soy wax harm the environment every step of the way, just like manufacturing most other things?

I haven't seen anyone quantify it, but I don't think it's clear that the environmental impact is less than producing paraffin. The soy is genetically modified so that it can be sprayed with a toxic herbicide to get rid of weeds without killing the crops. Fossil fuels are burned for energy to process the raw materials and hydrogenate the oil. In South America they're leveling rain forest to grow the stuff.

The need for paraffin doesn't drive the oil industry. Lots of useful things come out of refining petroleum, but if we couldn't find a use for paraffin at all, they'd still refine the petroleum for energy and throw the paraffin into landfills.

So, the food industry has found a way to market something that makes candlemakers feel good, who market something that makes candle consumers feel good. But let's keep it in perspective -- this is all about industry, not ecology. The pros and cons of soy cultivation and soy products in terms of health and environmental impact are controversial.

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I agree with you Top. That is one of the reasons I posted this. People are using Eco-Friendly to market their products and capitalize on it. I make soy candles because I just like them. When I tell someone about them I do not criticize paraffin. Everyone has their own personal preference.

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What top said makes plenty of sense to me..:highfive: Tell it like it is.

I use soy and for me it does make a cleaner burning candle when properly wicked. I usually add some paraffin with it and make a blend for a better looking candle. (as well as increased scent throw in many cases)

Of course, most everything in life is a two sided coin. After reading/hearing all of the plus, plus, plus, that's put out primarily by the soy industry, it's sort of refreshing to me to be reminded of some of the other aspects of soy candle industry.

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Lets face it there is the plus and minus to everything...as far as getting soy from the rain forest I would not buy it and I hope what I'm buying is coming from the U.S. and is a sustainable product...to me that means eco-friendly. You can also say the drilling for oil is bad for the environment, there for the same scenario.

I guess there is no perfect candle but the main reason I considering a soy candle eco-friendly is the cleaner burn, less toxic fumes being emitted in your home or work place making it more environmentally friendly. I feel the same way about hybrid cars...they still run on gasoline but they emit about 3000lbs less of CO2 into the environment there for making them in my opinion eco-friendly. If everyone drove a hybrid we would most likely not have global warming anywhere near what it is now. Unless we go back to living in caves we will never not damage the environment but there are greener alternative to just about everything we do, so I guess eco friendly is relative to each persons point of view. ;)

Actually I just wish that soy was more user friendly...lol

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This is becoming quite an interesting thread.....TOP, you're always adding your very technical 2cents worth

:2cents:....and I am by no means saying that is a bad thing:D

I personally luv using soy, and will never burn another paraffin candle, but that is just my personal preference.

And I totally agree about the cars as well. Unfortunately I have not found too many things that are made in the USA that are worth a crap....but LUV THEM SOYBEANS...lol.

And this is my :2cents:

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I think what people have to keep in mind is the whole term Ecofriendly is to protect the environment. The whole turnout of soy wax is not for Vegans or Oranic tree huggers. Its to help slow down Global Warming. Fossil fuel and petroleum byproducts add to Global Warming. Yes there is proof. http://yosemite.epa.gov/OAR/globalwarming.nsf/content/Emissions.html

Some of you argue that it takes industries to produce soy byproducts. The facts are that these same industries are producing soy substitutes in place of petroleum based fuels. Deisel replacements and mechanical lubricants are one of them that soy industries require to run their machinery. I have seen these products. Alot of farmers use them today for their machinery.

They have proof of these extremes. That is why the EPA is working on other alternatives to Fossil Fuels. Hybrids are an alternative. Remember these vehicles are still fairly new. They have a lot of kinks to work out still so we have to just be patient.

That is why some people choose to use soy wax not to prevent eating a cow but to save a whole planet of animals. Palm is a whole different story which is being taken from the rain forest not soy.

Please don't come at me with daggers paraffin people. I was just clearing up some misconceptions on Ecology and global warming. Nobody bothers to look under that section of the EPA when everyone has this debate.

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The whole turnout of soy wax is not for Vegans or Oranic tree huggers. Its to help slow down Global Warming.

Isn't it safe to say the whole turnout of soy wax is for the food industry to have an additional market for their vegetable shortening, like the stuff you get from Golden Brands. Same thing they sell for baking pies. Industries love to get new markets.

I use soy shortening as a blending ingredient and have no problem with it. Everyone should use what they need or want to use, but I find it hard to see how it helps save the planet. Producing and processing soy oil harms the environment like any other industry and I doubt it decreases the emissions of anything.

We do need better and cleaner energy sources, but as far as candlemaking having any impact at all on that it's putting the cart before the horse. The demand for paraffin will never affect the demand for oil. As long as the petroleum is being refined at a reasonable price for any reason (primarily other reasons), paraffin will be available and remain by far the most popular candle fuel.

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Soybean plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Since candles produce carbon, burning soy candles acts as a carbon offset since the carbon produced by the candles is neutralized by the soybean crops. Burning paraffin candles does nothing but release more carbon into the atmosphere.

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This debate comes up quite often and I beleive this is the first time everyone is talking sensibly about it, soy and paraffin both have the pros and cons, for me, im glad that everybody does it diff, because we have sev diff blends to play with now:cheesy2: although I still havent tried any I will, funds are just low(if only I could quite getting more fos:yay: )to each his own.

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