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If You Could Only Choose 4...


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I was going through my recipe's and trying to decide which 4 I would start selling. When I realized that I had soaped so many different fragrances and I simply do not want to carry 25-50 different fragrances and decided I would narrow it down to 4 to start and perhaps add some later. I have shower gel which will be frangranced differently from the bar soap so really we are talking 8 FO's and some EO's. Also, there will be the all natural soap for both.

So, how many fo's do you offer your customers and if you had to choose only 4 soaps and fo's to match which ones would they be? I love fo's as much as anybody but if you master batch it's still the same ol soap with a different color and fo. And the big guys sometimes only offer 1-3 scents...so what about you?

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I have often thought about this myself but I cannot do it. I have the top 10 that I always have in stock and always carry but I then do offer a lot of seasonal scents and different limited editions.

I justify this in my own mind by looking at some big companies like Bath & Body Works. They usually offer many limited edition scents just for the seasons. This keeps things new and fresh and also encourages your customers to buy because they know you may not have it the next time.

That is the way that most of my repeat customers start out the conversation when they come to see me.... "So, I came by to see what is new this week!"

I just cannot be so limited. I think part of the fun is doing something new and different so I do not get bored. :wink2:

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There is no way I could limit my line that much. When I 1st started adding saops to my line I had 8 scents. Within a weeks time I had many customers asking for other scents and paying for them upfront. My original 8 still sell well and I am now up to 30+. ;)

I also try to keep it "fresh" with a Scent of the Month and I have alot of new business that way as well as the regulars who can't wait to see what the next scent will be.

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I just cannot be so limited. I think part of the fun is doing something new and different so I do not get bored. :wink2:

Well, I could never get bored because I will be selling more than B&B products. Again, to start I will limit them. I do intend to throw in a few extra's for the holiday but that's it. There are so many people with allergies that I hear more about those concerns than anything else. I also want to keep my production simple. After I learned to make LS and developed what I think is the perfect recipe, I almost cancelled the bar soap altogether and that's when I decided to limit is to 4 fo's and recipes. As far as being limited goes....the big guys keep it simple and every 10 years or so (some never) introduce a new product and they are still on top. If it works for them:wink2:

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I agree with those 4 as well I might swap out citrus for a "clean" scent, linen, or rain, something like that that men would use.

Oh yes I gotta have rain or ocean fo's. The men will have separate fo's anyway but the rain, ocean and citrus types are definitely unisex so that's one less for the ladies and one less for the men:Dwhat it all comes down to is quality and that's really what makes for repeat customers.

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