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Orders with NO PAYMENT!!!


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Ok this has happened to me twice this week. I receive an invoice for an order off my site then no payment! The most recent order happened 30 minutes ago. Each of these orders don't have a valid email address and are from Alabama. I tried to call the first person earlier this week and got some weird voice mail but left message anyway in case this was an error. Never heard back. Is there anyway to track these peeps down. I do have an IP address. Do I chalk it up as getting fake orders??? Help!

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If you do an IP address lookup, you will get the name of the domain provider. They usually provide an abuse address (email or number) and you can report the IP address for doing that. Being as they are using a fake email, I don't see that it would be a regular order.

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Does you shopping cart collect the Credit Card information??

Mine will not let an order thru unless it has valid credit card information.

(I tried plugging in bogus ##'s and exp date and my cart would not take the order until I typed in the right CC#)

I accept CC only online... No Credit card, no order...

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Does you shopping cart collect the Credit Card information??

Mine will not let an order thru unless it has valid credit card information.

(I tried plugging in bogus ##'s and exp date and my cart would not take the order until I typed in the right CC#)

I accept CC only online... No Credit card, no order...

Mine have the option to select cc/money order/paypal....these orders they have selected PayPal...but don't complete the checkout thru paypal.

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As long as you are not using a Yahoo store which charges you a commission for every sale, then delete the orders. They are not worth wasting your time over sweety:) I had a lady pester me for over a week about getting everything under the sun in Lovely by SJP. She wanted the deodorant, lotion, everything! Her order came to abotu $300. Said she was sending me a money order........3 weeks later no money order, and 15 emails later, I have written her off. I hate it when people do that crap.

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In the past I have put through a bogus order (part way) to see what the shipping costs would be. Sometimes there is no way to find out till you actually do this.

Now if I cannot figure it out through the site I just email them.

Let me reiterate: this was in the past. once I realized how obnoxious it was I stopped doing it.

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I agree with CareBear that they could just be trying to figure out the shipping cost and then changing their mind at the last minute. I used to do this too, on sites where you don't know the grand total unless you go through the order process. But now that I realize it's recorded in their system I don't do it anymore as I don't want to cause them extra hassle.

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