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Name Contest! Winner gets Cut-n-carved candle!


Which form of FINE do you like best?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Which form of FINE do you like best?

    • Our Fine Crafted Indulgences
    • Our Finest Crafted Indulgences
    • Our Finely Crafted Indulgences

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Winner Announced!

I am proud to announce the winner of this contest...................

Drum roll please.......................................


1st Place Winner!!!

The Dallas Texas Dean-Post # 10!!!!

Our Fine/Finely/Finest Crafted Indulgences

Your entry will be our new company name!

Thank YOU!!

Congratulations Michael for your winning submission. I will be contacting you for your shipping information and request your preferences!!


I had only planned on ONE winner for this contest but.............there was a entry that I will be using as a subdivision of my online store so I believe that the person who submitted that entry should also get a carved candle!

2nd Place Winner............Drum Roll Please

Stoneheart-Post #50

Open For Christmas Indefinitely

I knew that I had wanted to add a Christmas division open all year long to my store and even though I was not going to focus on this at this time, this entry has given me a head start with a name! Thank YOU Stoneheart!

Stoneheart, I will be contacting you for your shipping information and preferences and you will receive a small carved Christmas candle for your entry!

Congratulations The Dallas Texas Dean and Stoneheart!!!

Thank you to each and every one of you who submitted an entry!! You all are winners to me!

Please help me choose the final version of our new company name buy participating in the added poll in this thread!

God Bless and Thank You!


Hello my CT friends!! I need some serious help here coming up with a company name! This should be easy but considering that I need and WANT to stick with the initials OFCI, it makes it a bit more complicated!

So heres the deal, if I pick a name that you have chosen as my company name, you will get one large cut-n-carved candle in your choice of available colors, possibly a few other goodies too!

  • You MUST USE the initials O F C I, in that order!
  • The I can not stand for incorporated!
  • I really want a general, catchy name that does not restrict me to just one product. Such as I=Illuminations. Since I make many different crafts AND candle and bath and body items, I want the name to be more generalized but yet give a hint of what I make! Such as Crafted or Created, to give examples. This is NOT set in stone that I will not use the word Illuminations but I would really like to see some other alternatives but do include your Illumination suggestions too!
  • Creative spelling combos allowed!
  • NO foul language!
  • If there are duplicate names submitted, the first one who posted the name that I choose will be the winner!
  • All entries MUST be submitted to THIS thread ONLY! NO PM's!
  • Moderators may choose to move this thread to another category if need be. It will be up to entrants to keep an eye on the thread!
  • I will announce the winner if I choose one of the names submitted on THIS thread and in a PM!
  • You may submit as many entries as you would like!
  • All entries must not already be registered in the state of Mississippi and preferably, in the US. I will do a check on all names that I find interesting and help pick my final choice from what is available.
  • At this time, this contest will end on September 30th. All entries must be submitted by midnight on September 30th to qualify.
  • To allow time for me to check name availabilities, Winner will be announced on October 14th!
  • Winner will receive their personal candle no later than October 31st.
  • At this time, entries must be limited to only US residents due to shipping of your carved candle.
  • The winner may elect to have their winning candle shipped to someone else in the US, such as a SB if they so choose!
  • Rules and Dates are subject to change if need be!

Be creative CTers!!! This is your chance to get a beautifully cut-n-carved candle for yourself or to give as a gift!

Good Luck and God Bless,


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Great ideas, keep them coming!! I know that this is hard, this is why I have resorted to giving away goodies to help me! LOL I have been trying for months and have been having a hard time! Nothing I have come up with "gets" me and makes me say, Yup, thats it!! Any and all ideas are welcomed!!

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I'm just going to type whatever comes to mind, so if some sound crazy just disregard them...

Original Fresh Crafted Illuminations.

Old Fashion Crafted Idulgences.

Our Forever Collection of Illuminations.

Organic Fresh Creative Illusions. (If they are organic?)

Oven Fresh Crafted Impressions.

Our Forever Captivating Illuminations.

Original, Fascinating, Creative Illuminations.

Oh, my gosh. No wonder you are having such a hard time with this. This is so hard. I can come up with words, but then trying to add them together is almost impossible.

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One First Class Imagination :grin2:

Our First Class Imaginings

Our First Class Ingenuity

Our First Class Impressionables

Our First Class Innovations

Our Fine Crafted Impressionables

Our Finely Crafted Impressionables

Our Finely Crafted Inspirations

Oak Forest Craft Impressions

Oak Forest Creative Impressions

Oak Forest Creative Innovations

One's Fantasies Currently Increasing :grin2:

Obsessed From Creative Imagination

One's Feelings Can't Imagine

One's Feelings Can Imagine

O'le Fiddle Crab Industry....lol..j/k...running out of ideas and it's getting late - can ya tell :grin2: Of course it was late when I started....lol

Our Faith Creates Inspirations

Our Faith Can Inspire

Open Flow Creative Innovations

Order For Christmas Immediately :grin2:

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You all are doing GREAT!! I see a couple that I have already come up with and others that I hadn't even thought of! I do see a few possibilities but I wont reveal anything at all yet! Keep them coming!!

A bit of background here for you all! See, Over 25 years ago, when I was MUCH younger, I had wanted two things other than a family. One, to be a Pediatric/OBGYN nurse and to have my own craft store! There USED to be many members of my family that were VERY crafty with their own unique crafts! I had come up with the name Our Family Connection Inc. for that very reason! Well, I am NOT going to incorporate anytime soon and there is no other family members doing this with me now. Most of them are now dead or too old or just too darn busy to care! So..........the need to change the name! I have been known as OFCI for over 25 years, have a website as such, email and so on and so forth! Thus, the reason to KEEP O.F.C.I some how as the initials for my company name! Later on, IF the younger of the family decide to join in and we branch out, well, maybe we can change things but I want to market O.F.C.I. Because of the many different crafts that I do, I don't want to have a name that limits myself on what I sell! This is hard, I do understand that! That is why I am hosting this contest and seeing what other little goodies that I can throw in! A name as you all know is very important! An outsiders opinion is also important! A friends opinion is VERY, VERY important and most of you here on this board have come to be my friends!

My products will be marketed with a touch of class and not the country theme! I will have some products that have that country look but want elegance and class at very reasonable pricing and don't want a name that will scare the lesser income people away! I want them to be able to purchase from me and feel special and that they got a great deal for their money! I want them to know that much thought, love, pride and research went into each and every item that I make! We wont mention to them the blood, sweat and tears, not to mention the broke wallets! LOL I am hoping to have something for everyone of all ages and all occasions when all is said and done!

Since I will be marketing my carved candles most likely first, I need a name SOON!! I have to find some way to pay for more supplies and research don't I? LOL

With ALL of that being said, keep up the great entries and keep those ideas coming!

Good Luck and God Bless,


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Only Fine Crafted Indulgences

Only Fine Crafted Inspirations

Only Fine Crafted Ideas

You could use the word "Our" instead of "Only" in any of the choices above and you could use the word "Finely" as opposed to "Fine".

Now, I personally see absolutely nothing wrong with using "Our Family Connection, Inc." if you should so choose regardless of how many family members are involved or if you elect not to incorporate for awhile. There is a lot to be said for longevity so, I humbly resubmit your current name as well.:wink2:

Not to mention I like those ODD combination of letters MUCH better now that I know what they are and where they came from! I ALMOST said...keep what you have or REALLY make a change and ditch the OFCI.:laugh2:

I was trying to work the letters creatively around the word "OFFICIAL".. and would like to use the F and the I for "Fire and Ice".........but now my brain hurts...maybe tomorrow:-)

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Very good submissions Micheal! Thanks!! FYI, there is a company out there that is OFCInc. so...................I really DONT want to incorporate with these initials!

I was going to PM you and ask you if you were interested in any dyes for your carved candles. I will be calling the supplier in the next couple of days and seeing about placing an order! Seems that when I picked up my melters and other supplies from John, he had a limited amount of dyes! I had really needed some yellow and black, not to mention some other colors!! PM me and let me know if you are interested in any!

God Bless and Good Luck! I cant wait to see your other submissions!! And believe me, you have no clue to how many times I about said to heck with the money already invested in these darn initials and just start from scratch but........after 25 years, well, Im going to keep them one way or another!

Thanks for your imput!


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Our Family is Crazy ...

ok i'll go to bed, try this again in am....i'm not being creative right now..lol








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Ok, guys... It is almost 2 am and I have racked my brain as much as I could. To be honest, I think you should keep it as you have it and create another name that links from OFCI to your new site. If that is not the route you wish to take, here are some suggestions. Like I said before, it is almost 2 am.

Open For Crafters' Imaginations

Our Family's Crafts Inspire

Our Family Crafters' Inspirations

Our Finest Crafts Illuminated

Our Finest Crafts Imagined

Our Future Crafter's Ingenuity

Our Family Crafters' Ingenuity

Our Family Clan's Ingenuity

Our Family Clan's Imaginations

Our Finest Crafts Imagined

Our Family's Creations Indulge

Our Family's Crafts Indulge

One Family Creates Inspiration

One Family Crafts Inspiration

Our Family, Creative Inventors

Our Family, Crafty Inventors

Only For Crafters’ Insight

Open For Creative Ideas

Open For Creative Indulgences

Open For Crafty Indulgences

Our Family Corner Indulges

Our Family Corner Inspires

Our Family Corner’s Ingenuity

Our Family’s Crafts Invoke

Our Finest Crafters Invited ….to shop

Hope you like at least one on the list. lol. I will think about in my sleep. Good Night.

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