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Quick, going to Walmart, help me with a list!


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Walmart is in BFE from my house, so I only get to go once every blue moon. Any great soaping deals going on? Any suggestions for what I should get? I already have a list comprised but some of you find some great things there that I can never think of,t hen get home, read about it, and kick myself in the head because I did not get it. Any suggestions? Leaving in 30 mintutes,lol.


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The Super Walmart by us sells coconut oil and Armour brand lard. I've learned from other threads that the Armour brand doesn't add a piggy smell to your soaps like Morell's lard does. I can't find Armour brand anywhere locally except for Walmart, and I can't find coconut oil anywhere locally except the healthfood store or Walmart. It's cheaper at Walmart. I just bought some olive oil from them for CP the other day. They had a really good price compared to my regular grocery store. HTH! :) Happy shopping!


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I got some silicone spatulas I desperately needed. A little bottle of coconut oil (it comes to $1.50 a pound, which is not bad, but actually more than if I bought it online and paid shipping.) Got come cupcake cups, a piping bag and tips for my butters. My Walmart is kind of crapolla. Nothing on the shelves, searched and searched for Castor Oil, and finally an associate comes and points out where it usually is, saying it was out of stock. From the looks of the little space on the shelf I am going to guess it was a little tiny bottle they were selling for $3?!

So my trip was kinda sorta wasted. And its the only Walmart near me, unless I want to go to the other side of town in the opposite direction. I wanna move to Miami:laugh2: Fort Lauderdale is so not an enriching place for a dedicated soaper. I finally found a local cooking oil source, but he is also on the other side of the city. The only things in the inner city here are condos, condos, condos, that no one is buying, but they keep building them anyway:confused:

Wanted to add that I grabbed 2 cans of Pringles because they were $1 each and thought of trying to Pringles can mold thing. But left them there because I really dont need to be eating any chips, still trying to lose this pregnancy fat:laugh2:And you know once you go Pringles, you never go back!

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Thanks, I looked everywhere in walmart ealier today and couldn't find them, I should have known to check in the food section. I did go to Michaels though and in the bakery I found a butter flavor oil, 2 oz. for $1.99 so I think I will try it in my lip balms. I just hope that it's not so sweet that I eat it all off.

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OH!! Wal-Mart also has all of their aloe vera gel on sale for the end of summer. Mine has 32oz bottles for $1.00 and every year I go in there and buy them all. Last year I got 87 bottles!!!!!!!

They are usually in the picnic and outdoors section on the bottom shelf if you are looking! I just bought out what they had here - slim pickin's this year...only 30 bottles :(

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My Wallyworld doesn't have diddly squat either as far as oils and such. :( Not even olive oil!! :confused: Not fair!!

I can't find coconut oil ANYWHERE in this po dunk town I live in. grrrrrrrr

I do have to say though, that I spend sooo much money there (WM) that I should own stock in it!! :tongue2:

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