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Bath Salts & Advice Needed


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For those of you who sell bath salts, do you find that they sell better in tubes or jars?

I'm about to hit the road again, this time including bath salts at the next show. But, I'm not sure of the best container I should use to sell them. In my head I'm envisioning a gift set of three tubes (1" x 6")--nothing fancy, just tied together with autumn colored ribbons (maybe some will have tri-color salts in them).

My total cost will be about $.44 per tube, and my thought was to sell them 3/$5 (retail). I'm just using simple epsom salts a couple of drops of dye and FO. Never having sold salts at shows before, don't have a strong grasp on what a standard price range might be, although I know it can vary from region to region. This is not going to be any kind of upscale show--it's a church festival and craft fair, but it usually has a very high attendance. I want to price my items so that if people want it, they just buy it and don't have to really think about whether they "should" buy it, ya know what I mean?

If any of you folks have any advice, I would certainly appreciate it!

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Thanks for the support. Jenny, that's important news to know about the lids. I saw some gorgeous tubes with the those lids and loved the way they looked. I guess fate kept me from making a mistake in purchasing them, because the price was too high, or otherwise I would have.

Candlelady, I am making bundles of three different scents. I haven't decided yet if I will make each tube tri-color or not. I hope people think the way you do, and would be willing to pay $5.

When I read Pamperme's post it made me consider doing the bags, because it's such a better value for the customer. In the tubes, they will basically only be getting 9 oz of salt. But, like with all bath/beauty products, the majority of the cost is in the packaging, not the product. So, I hope to glam up the tubes enough with ribbons, a silk flower and a tag to make them appealing.

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Here is some sage advice!

Do not use the nickel plated lids as they rust all over the place and get into your salts. :)

That is all the advice I have - sorry there isn't more ;) (I hate bath salts - making them I mean - I love love love using them!!)

I would totally buy your 3 pack if I was at the show!!

Are you talking about the tubes with the silver colored lids that screw on? I'll bet you are because I just bought a bunch of them!:laugh2:

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I haven't seen any designed for that purpose.. But it would be as simple as getting the lid size and buying them. You could even use them a wee bit smaller than the inside diameter and glue them up there to make sure that people don't toss them and they'll be good for the long haul.

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Late Night do yours have a foam liner? If so, maybe that will prevent the rust from happening.

Bunny, I've never seen sealing disks for tubes--jars yes, tubes no. Have you run across them somewhere?

I just ran and checked them. :tiptoe: <---That's as fast as I can go.

They do have the white foam liner. Whew.

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