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Small Batch size


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Since I'm still trying to get the hang of CP, I tried making a few 1lb batches this weekend-figured less waste in case of goof-ups. It seemed like it took longer to trace then with 3lb batch that I usually do. Has anyone else had this problem of was it just me? I also tried swirling using a squeeze bottle and layering, which worked great except for one thing- the layers I poured between the swirls messed up the swirls-I'm thinking maybe I poured too soon, it should've been thicker?

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Yes, it's a bit harder to get the trace going sometimes on those smaller batches. Little harder to get a good gel going too since a bigger volume of soap helps it heat up faster. But I've made plenty of 1 and 2-lb. batches in my day. Nobody died yet. :laugh2:

LOL, yup yup no one has died yet here either-although my kids think they're going to. I'm always telling them to bug away when I'm making a batch cuz of the lye so when I had em a bar of soap to try they're like "ohh u want us to use soap that's poisonous?!".:rolleyes2

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My kids happily use my soap, but DS is wigged out when I use ANY kitchen utensil or measuring cup in soapmaking. He is just sure we're all going to DIE of lye poisoning, even though I thoroughly wash the cup by hand in hot soapy water, then run it through a dishwasher cycle. :laugh2: PICKY, PICKY, PICKY!!!!!!!!!!!

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