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getting the right color?

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Hi everyone,I am new to candlemaking and to this forum. I have been reading for a few days and today I registered.Everyone here is sooo helpful.I have taken so many notes . My husband asked me if I want my pillow and blanket since I have been down here for so long.:P

I made my first votives today. I put the liquid dye in my picture and I didnt like the color when I poured them. How can I test the color before this happens? and also I did the repore and they looked great , I then put them in the fridge to cool them .when I took them out there was a large hole in the middle. was I not supposed to put it in the fridge to cool down?:(


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Hi! When I am looking for a certain color I use my wood stir stick that I stir my wax w/ and drop a drip of the wax on a white piece of paper or wax paper and wait till it cools and then you will be able to determine if you like that color or not. How long did you wait to do your repour on the votives? I like to give my votives at least 2 to 3 hours before I do a repour. If you didn't wait that long more than likely your wax hadn't settled completely so it sunk in the middle.:smiley2:

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Thank you, I will do that . There is so much to learn.and there is so much info here. I have alot more reading to do..

I put them in the fridge thinking it would cool faster...:confused: guess you cant rush this...

I waited maybe 1/2 hour before I did a re pour.someone told me that if I waited to long that the wax will split off the top.Is that true?I actually did 3 repours they looked really nice before I put them in the fridge. I will not do that again.:D


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You can probably do whatever you want, but patience is often a virtue in candlemaking ;) Also, think about why it happened that the tops sunk and formed craters. Wax shrinks as it cools.

I don't know what you mean by the wax splitting off the top. There are people who have done repours the following day and no trouble. As mentioned, pour hotter, but really you could like wait an hour or so after you've poured and top off it you want.

Sometimes your repour will pop off though if it was poured too cool.

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If your candle is completely cool and your repour wax isn't hot enough the two may not meld together and the repour can pop out. Rather than do the repour too soon and have to repeat there are two other options to consider. First you can heat your repour wax to about 10 degrees warmer than your normal pour temp. The hot wax will help melt some of the votive top so the old and new will join. The second possibility is to warm the top of the votives with a heat gun. You heat just until the tops lighten in color but aren't starting to melt. Have you left over wax hot and pour immediately.


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Thank you for all your suggestions and help. I will be trying this again this afternoon. I will let you know tomorrow.:grin2: Linnyeg,you are right I was doing alot of repours.I will definitly wait till they cool before I do a repour.

Thanks again.


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