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candle sweat?

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Hi all!

I'm finally test burning my prized palm and coconut oil pillar candle. The melt pool is great, perfect wick, but it's sweating at the top. I don't know if many of you work with palm wax, but in general is some sweat ok? Non of the other pillar waxes I've used sweat, so I don't think I've ever seen this before. :confused: Any thoughts are appreciated!

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I've never seen palm wax do that either, unless it was overloaded with fragrance oil. Are you using palm and coconut oil together? Or are these two separate candles you are talking about? I've never heard of coconut oil wax. If there's no fragrance oil in your candle, and your using coconut oil wax, if there is such a thing or I'm just confused, then it could be you have an excessive amount of coconut oil in that batch of wax. It's just a guess because I cannot imagine where else the excess oil could be coming from.

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I bought the wax from millcreek, it said palm and coconut oil wax, so I'm assuming it's a blend they created. All I added was color, no additives, or FO's. It's still sweating, so I'm assuming that it's either their wax or my wick is too big? It's burning really nice so I don't know if that could be it. I'll try wicking down to see if that helps, otherwise I'll have to try another supplier to figure out whats what. Thanks for the replies!

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I didn't know MillCreek had a wax blend of palm and coconut oil. I guess it could be that you need to wick down then...at least that's what I would try next. But if your having trouble with sweating and you haven't even added an FO yet, you may be limited to a very small amount if you do since it appears that it can't even contain the coconut oil. Also, you may need to add an additive to it in order to get it to hold more FO...I really don't know since I'm not familiar with this blend. You might want to contact Mill Creek and tell them what your problem is and have them direct you.

Plain Palm wax barely throws as it is...limiting yourself to a very small amount of FO would really suck. I used to use Palm wax because I loved how it looked, but the lack of throw turned me off so I rarely make them any more, but when I do, I never bother to scent them because you won't smell them anyway...unless you cure them for a month or more and even then it is no where near as strong as paraffin. So I just make them now and then just for their beauty and to provide some candle light.

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That's exactly why I wanted to work with palm, the candles come out so beautifully. I had no idea that it doesn't throw, thank you for letting me know. Now I'm even sadder, because I can't get a nice looking parafin candle. Every time I try there always something wrong with the surface :cry2::(

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Awwh...don't feel sad. If you don't mind a very light throw, then their good for you. I'm greedy...I want lots of strong throw, but their are many people who find that too overpowering and would prefer a light scent throw. It all depends on what you're looking for. They're still beautiful candles regardless. As far as the paraffin goes, it does take some practice to produce a nice looking candle. You should have seen how ugly mine were in the beginning.

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Plain Palm wax barely throws as it is...limiting yourself to a very small amount of FO would really suck. I used to use Palm wax because I loved how it looked, but the lack of throw turned me off so I rarely make them any more, but when I do, I never bother to scent them because you won't smell them anyway...unless you cure them for a month or more and even then it is no where near as strong as paraffin. So I just make them now and then just for their beauty and to provide some candle light.

Wow, I find that mine have amazing throws.. I sent one to Grumpy and she said it was throwing great as well.

Where are you getting your palm wax?

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I got my palm wax from Candlewic. Tried many different quality scents in them...believed that I had them wicked properly. I used RRD wicks which were recommended to me for the palm and veggie waxes. I found that I got very little throw with them...unless I cured them for a least a month...and even then...very little throw. What's your secret????

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I dont know if I have a secret .LOL

I did let them cure for about 1 week before burning them. I used cd wicks and really am pleased with them. Now, there were some scents that didnt work with it ( light throw) but for the most part, I was pleased with the throws.

I use the Large Crystal Palm wax from Greenleaf and prefer it over the one from Candlewic.


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Interesting. Could be Candlewic...could be the scents that I chose. Maybe I'll have to give Green Leaf's wax a try. I knew some people got throw with Palm wax, but I could never get it to throw worth a damn, which really disappointed me since I loved the look of this wax. Thanks for the info Christina. :wink2:

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