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Why didn't MMS Oil colors work?


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Ok.. Added some jojoba and sweet almond to my wax spa, along with some tangerine fo. Yum!

Then I had the bright idea to color it.. Well, I know it's not water soluable, it's oil soluable. So I dropped about 3 drops worth of MMS's oil soluable lip balm colors in there.. And they just won't dissolve! They just sit there and ball up! I've used a whisk, a spoon, and even tried to squish them with my hand. What's up with this? And what do the pros use to color theirs? Gonna have to investigate..

Crazy things like this drive me nuts!

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"How I Used Them: I have wooden stir sticks and all I did was insert one of the stir sticks into the color, just picked up a touch of it, and then swirled the stick into the oils - it was unbelievable how little I needed to achieve full color coverage without it needing to be stirred forever"

I took that off of the site.. Go figure huh..

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Lol.. True Carrie. But paraffin is a common ingredient in lip balms.

Hmm... Since this is just for me I wonder if I can use candle dye. Would probably stain my feet green or something stupid.

Don't think I'll do it, but I will admit It's crossed my mind!

Looked online at the colored paraffin waxes, and there's no ingredients listed. Gonna have to get my butt to Wal Mart for some R&D!

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Lol.. True Carrie. But paraffin is a common ingredient in lip balms.

LMAO Not in mine. I use beeswax.

Maybe it's the percentage of paraffin. Try to mix a tiny bit with some mineral oil. Isn't that what they add to the parffin to soften it up for those dip things. If it disperses with mineral oil then it has to be the paraffin. IMO

Wonder what would happen if you made your own wax using soy wax and mineral oil. It would be even better for your hands, wouldn't it?

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