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Can you use to much FO in soap?


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For CP, even though it's a rinse off product, you'll find that using too much will just turn your batch to mush. Not only that, but fragrances are the number 1 skin irritating/allergy factor, so too much isn't good.

The max I've seen in CP soap is 1 oz per pound of oil. When I do facial products I stick to 1% or less. Lotions I scent about the same - 1%. If you're using a lotion base there will be a recommended amount of additive to use that you can't go over - check with the vendor.

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YES, you can get too much FO. If I get too much, then it absorbes thru my skin and I get a really nasty chemical taste in my mouth....makes one feel really crappy for a while. Some carrier oils can draw the FOs right into the blood stream. So, I'd suggest you stay within the recommended usage to be on the safe side. If you're using the soap for your own personal use, then you can do whatever you want but if you're giving them to family/friends, use caution.

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I have never had any irritations at all when I have added too much FO to MP soap. However, if you add too much FO to MP, not only will the lather be poor, but you may have a "rubber" bar of soap that disappears in half the time.

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Thanks! What about m & p is it about the same as CP?

I used over 6X too much fo in a goat milk M&P. It was STRONG, but I'm using it. The lather is still great, no skin irritation, etc. It's just very strong.

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