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Stearic Acid

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I've been experimenting with stearic a little. It does harden the wax quite well. But I'm not able to reproduce any of the effects it's supposed to do. I'm using IGI 4625 (pillar blend) wax. I used a 1 to 1 ratio with this wax. Should I use straight paraffin?

And also in my web surfing looking for paraffin, the only place I seem to find a "straight" paraffin wax is at Peak. They are sold out at the moment, I would like to keep my loyalty to them. But how else do you identify straight paraffin wax, some of the vedors call it house blend, regular etc....

Sorry about the two questions in one. I'm still new to this. I love it though!!!!!

Thanks for your time.


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Bummer. Maybe some west coast members can chime in and help you out. It looks like Peaks may be your best bet. August 29 is only a few days away.

I did use some stearic once in a preblended pillar wax (CBL141 from tenn cndl supply) when I was just playing around and I got a pretty decent frosted rustic look from it. :smiley2:

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Maybe I just used to much stearic, I used one pound to one pound?

Try using something like 2 or 3 tablespoons per lb. Pound for pound must be one expensive candle. :smiley2: Bet it might burn like a torch, too.

By the way that crystalizing yaley wax that you are using sure did make a neat looking pillar and your streaked candle looked very good also. Way to Go.

There you go firegirl, letitshineusa was the one that I was thinking of and searching for. For the life of me I just couldn't remember and it hasn't been that long ago that I read something about that place here on the board.

California is a vey big state so if you live down south you may still come out better ordering wax from Peaks.

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Yeah sounds like you blended a rock lol.

You can use a lot less steric and get a good effect. See Everito's suggestion.

As for being Californian and looking for straight paraffin, try Let It Shine I believe it is. I know someone on here gets their paraffin from some LIS warehouse. Like ask Trish.

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Thanks firegirl for the links. It looks like letitshineusa has what I'm looking for if I can't get it from Peak.

Everito Bandito, I've tried just using 1-3 tablespoons and I don't get any effect on the outside it works well for hardening, but not the "frosting" or whatever look that is called. I like it and I want to reproduce it. Is there anything else I can do?

The Crystal wax from Yaley is very difrferent to work with. It pours very thick, and doesn't produce a well. Instead it forms a shell on top. Which makes harder for the second poor.

Thanks for your help y'all


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What you are calling crystal wax from yaley, may be palm wax. I have never used it. Palm wax and a straight refined paraffin like IGI's 1343 are likely very different animals.

Try 2 or 3 tablespoons of stearic with some IGI 1343 (or something similar), pour cool around 150 and let them cool at room temp. That should give you a frosted/rustic look.

I'm no expert on it by any means. I got my info by reading through many posts on this board that were made by far more experienced candle makers than myself. I then tried it and it worked, but I have only made a few to date. :smiley2:

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I'll give it a try and see what happens. It may be awhile before I get IGI 1343 or 1343a. But I'll try it with the pillar blend and see what I get.

I'm trying right now a mix of 1lb crystal wax with 1lb IGI 4625. I'll let you know what happens.

Thanks for the help again.


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If you want to you can add about 3 tablespoons stearic to that 4625 wax and will likely get a rustic look from it.

I believe that the 4625 is a preblended wax which probably contains some vybar 103 which can kill the mottle effect, but you would still have a good chance at getting the frosted look. You could play around with it while you are waitng for the 1343.

Also, I asked someone about what the difference was between 1343 and 1343-A and was told that basically IGI at one time had come out with a 1343-B that didin't workout so well. Consequently the 1343-B was for all intents and purposes phased out, so now if it's marked 1343-A or just 1343 it's the same wax. :wink2:

Have Fun! P.S. I don't know because I haven't tried it but my first thought about mixing the "crystal wax" with the 4625 is not likely going to give you the best of both worlds.

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Just so you know I compared price between let it shine and peak's and found that on the single case order peaks is better, but on multiple case orders Let It shine is usualy better. You have to call and speak to someone if you want to order 2 or more cases, as they offer discounts on wholesale purchases starting as low as 2 cases.

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I don't think adding stearic to 4625 will help you any.

If you pour this wax cooler, like 150-155, you should be able to get a cold pour finish out of it. You may find you like the effect, but it may not be frosty like you see in a lot of the gallery pictures.

Try it with the 1343 and 3 T stearic when it comes in.

Regarding the conversation about 1343, the primary version of every IGI wax is "A" although you won't always see it referred to that way. When suppliers say 1343 they almost always mean 1343A. The only other version of this wax I've heard of (but never personally run across) is 1343N, which won't mottle.

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This statement from my previous post:

If you want to you can add about 3 tablespoons stearic to that 4625 wax and will likely get a rustic look from it.

"I believe that the 4625 is a preblended wax which probably contains some vybar 103 which can kill the mottle effect, but you would still have a good chance at getting the frosted look. You could play around with it while you are waitng for the 1343."

was based on looking at the candles in these threads.





I suppose that they really aren't frosted so, on that aspect I was mistaken, but they do look pretty cool. :cool2: That's basically all I was getting at googs when I said that you could play around with it and likely get a rustic look from it. It looks like none of them were really frosting though as they have more of a slick look to them.

No matter as your 1343 will be in your hands soon. :smiley2:

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