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Need some advice re: Baby Shower favors. Please read.

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Hello all,

I will be making approx. 45 baby shower favors for a friends sister-in-law. She is giving the shower for somebody else. Neither myself or my wife will be there, so my question is:

How would you go about letting the women there know about your business?

I do not think putting hang tags or labels with our company name would work. Seems kind of tacky. I could give the hostess our business cards in case they want to call and want more information, but suppose they don't ask. So, I am looking for a delicate way to get our name out there.

Looking for all opinions.

Thanks to all who respond,

Bob and Donna

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Will the favors have any kind of label or tag at all? Perhaps some cutsie poem or such? If so, I don't see anything wrong with putting your name on it someplace, or maybe on the back if it's a hang tag. I want my name on my products someplace, even if it's small and out of the way.

A few months ago, I made 6 cases of containers to give out at our family reunion and labeled them with our family name and the date. I didn't want my business name out in front, so I put it on my warning label on the bottom of the jar. Problem solved, it wasn't tacky, but I received the credit for my candles.

What kind of favors are you making? That may help with giving suggestions.

Good Luck!

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Will the favors have any kind of label or tag at all? Perhaps some cutsie poem or such? If so, I don't see anything wrong with putting your name on it someplace, or maybe on the back if it's a hang tag. I want my name on my products someplace, even if it's small and out of the way.

A few months ago, I made 6 cases of containers to give out at our family reunion and labeled them with our family name and the date. I didn't want my business name out in front, so I put it on my warning label on the bottom of the jar. Problem solved, it wasn't tacky, but I received the credit for my candles.

What kind of favors are you making? That may help with giving suggestions.

Good Luck!

Here is a picture. Hope this works.


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I don't feel it's tacky to put your company name on the hang tag. Were the friend to purchase the shower favors from a store, wouldn't whatever she bought have a brand name label on them? It would be no different for you.

I would recommend making the labels as if they're for sale - with burn instructions and your contact info. If you're giving them for free, you could put "compliments of ...." on the label. Even if she doesn't ask for your business card, you should give her one anyway so that she has a way of contacting you if there's any problem e.g. if she finds she needs more after the RSVP's come in. In my opinion it's less tacky to have your company info on the candle label/hang tag than to place a stack of business cards on the table. The guests may not take the card home, but they'll take the candle home for sure.

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Looks good.

About the ribbon you are using. To keep the ends from fraying use Fray Check in the sewing section of Wal-Mart or clear nail polish and/or nail strengther.

BTW - For an added touch you could glue on a baby trinket, there are tiny mini baby bottles in the cake decorating section at Wal-Mart.

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I recently did votives for a bridal shower. I wrapped each votive in a cello bag tied with a ribbon in the bride's wedding colors. I affixed a hang tag with the bride & groom's name and wedding date on the front. The back side of the hang tag was stamped with my business name, addy, phone number & website.

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I agree with everyone, not tacky at all. You should be given credit for your product. When I received gifts for my shower from people you bet it had the company name on it. It is not like you are flaunting your name, simply just put it on the label. You deserve credit for your product. Do you think Pier one lets any of their candles out the door without their name on it!

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