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Why not mineral oil?

Lady Di

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Could be partly due to the snob factor. It's a cheap oil compared to the luxury vegetable oils like fractionated coconut oil or avocado oil. Could also be because the vegetable oils would contain vitamins which are beneficial to skin whereas mineral oil does not. But mineral oil is a good moisturizer and maybe the websites who say it's not a good ingredient are trying to promote their own products made with vegetable oils.

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I personally find mineral oil to clog my pores, but frankly I find it a great massage oil in a pinch (I prefer snobbier oils ;) LOL)

I find ChapStick, which contains petrolatum which I believe is akin to mineral oil, to be drying in the long run. I think it makes a great barrier, and a good lubricant, but for me not a moisturizer.

Other oils, be they vegetable (like jojoba or coconut) or animal (emu oil, tallow, even lard) are much nicer to my skin in the long run. But these do get rancid - so there's a down side too (besides expense)

All this is IMHO - I'm no expert by any means!

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This is why I don't use it on my skin or put in my products, I did a lot of research on it even before I started making my own products, I hope this helps and maybe directs you to finding some more info on the subject.

Mineral Oil is a harmful ingredient derived from petroleum that coats the skin with an unhealthy seal. Mineral Oil and petroleum products prevent the skin from breathing. Mineral oil (classed as a petrochemical pollutant and

xenohormone) can have negative effects on hormones and the skin’s ability to breathe, attract moisture and detoxify. It can also slow down cell renewal and be the second (after the sun) most likely cause of premature aging. In fact, sunscreens produced from mineral oil may promote skin cancer as well as colon and breast cancer. However, no cosmetic manufacturers put health warnings on their products, and in the US, the FDA does not require this information to be on packaging. One of the many sources on the topic of Mineral Oil: Positive Health Medical Magazine

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Other oils, be they vegetable (like jojoba or coconut) or animal (emu oil, tallow, even lard) are much nicer to my skin in the long run. But these do get rancid - so there's a down side too (besides expense)

All this is IMHO - I'm no expert by any means!

Jojoba really isn't an oil, its a wax. Still good for the skin though. :wink2:

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If you are looking to make or use a more superior product you should not use mineral oil.

It is a cheap oil that has NO NUTRITIONAL benefits for the skin. It will also clog your pores.

This is one of the first things you learn when you go to school to be an Esthetician. DO NOT USE PRODUCTS WITH MINERAL OIL ON CLIENTS.

A lot of companies have used it in their formulations and these companies do very well in sales but the people that buy products made with mineral oils just really have not been educated on how it effects the skin and that there are ingredients out there that are much better for the skin.These big companies do a fabulous job on advertising and making people think they are getting good products when in actuality......the products are not that great.

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interesting isn't it? even B&BW is known for using it a lot.

i don't use mineral oil in any products because i truly believe it just sits on the surface of the skin, preventing it from breathing; and clogging the pores. there are so many wonderful alternatives out there, some of which are not that pricey....oh, and jojoba is one of my favorite oils( waxes) it's considered close to the skins own sebum...very nice to work with.

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