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Soy newbie here

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Hi Chandler,

Welcome...I'm also a Soy Newbie...I agree with Candleman about soy wax being quite the challenge but I wouldn't have it any other way. You will learn so much just by reading all the post on this forum so have fun and keep us posted.


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I started out with soy in fact have ony poured one parrafin candle- if you carefully follow your soy wax instructions you should be fine- just remember it is the nature of soy wax to develope frosting and can set up with an uneven texture- you might want to invest in a heat gun to smooth the tops with if need be.

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I am a newbie as well.... and loving it.

Soy is difficult, but I have never tried paraffin. So I guess I can't miss what I haven't had!!

Happy experimenting. Keep a notepad at the computer because all these talented people have a HUGE amount of knowledge and experience. I think I take notes every time I come on here.

Have fun!!!!!:D


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Soy can definately pose its challenges but it is not an impossible wax to wokr with. I couldn't stand to work with paraffin. I tried it and knew it wasn't for me. I like the ease of the clean up with soy. I would suggest to you to do LOTS of research, testing and keeping good notes. Folks are more than willing to help but you have to be willing to do your part too. :wink2: Hang in there and you will be pouring awesome candles before you know it. Good luck.

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Persoanlly I started with Soy and think if you want to start with soy you should feel free too. Its all about testing though, and this site has lots of archived posts that can help. make sure to use the search button. :grin2:

welcome aboard, we all started out gun ho like you and very anxious to start testing.

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Welcome! Like everyone has stated - take advantage of the search button at the top. :yay: You'll find tons of wonderful information from a great group of people. Soy is a little more difficult, but I still enjoy it. Take notes and document your testing. Before long, you'll have that perfect candle receipe! :wink2:

Good Luck!

Beverly S :whoohoo:

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We welcome noobs! Noobs are our lifeblood! There is probably more soy wax knowledge within this site than in all the other candle message boards combined. Soy is not that hard to work with, in fact I find it much easier than paraffin, just in cleaning up testing jars. It is just more difficult to make soy candle look like we want it to. We tend to be experimenters and perfectionists, so what we create that we are not exactly pleased with, usually is perfectly acceptable to our candle customers. It is much easier to make an eye-pleasing paraffin candle on a consistent basis, and the fact that soy is very sensitive to environmental variables during the pouring process makes it difficult at times, but when one gets it right, it's very satisfying!

Good luck! geek :grin2:

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