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New to Presto Pot! Help!

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Hi everyone! I am Lisa and I have been making soy candles for a while now. Had a weird thing happen to me today that has never happened before. I was heating my soy in the microwave in my 4 cup pyrex measuring glass, 4 minutes to be exact with about 24 ounces of wax, when all of a sudden my microwave and all the lights in the house dimmed! I looked at the microwave and my glass pyrex was ORANGE glowing on one side. I went to open the door to examine it, moved back as I saw my pyrex literally was melting a hole in the side.... the thing blew up and burst glass and hot wax everywhere! Scared me to death, and a very small piece of glass went down my throat. Think I am OK, will know later! HA! My dilema is...I bought a presto pot today and wondered....Can you leave your wax in it all of the time, over a period of several nights on warm???? Will it hurt to do this? I make a ton of candles as the schools are using them for fundraisers now and am just wondering how to go about this as I have never used one before! I love the amount of wax that it holds and like the idea of having a lot of wax ready to use! NEAT! Thanks so much!

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Thanks! Never thought of how fast it melts...like I SAID, I AM NEW TO THE POT!:rolleyes2 I just ran and turned it off! Thanks again!

I usually just pull the magnetic plug part loose when I'm leaving wax in that I already have set the temp on. That way when I plug it back in it should go back to the same temp. (always a good idea to keep a check on the thermometer, though)

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Lisa192, after that harrowing experience I'm so glad you're still here to ask questions today! :smiley2:

Do you realize the melting point for borosilicate glass (Pyrex) is greater than 1500F degrees? It sounds like your wax superheated, which is one of those potentially dangerous situations that can happen when you microwave liquids in a smooth, glass container. Here's a link about it: http://rabi.phys.virginia.edu/HTW/page1.php?QNum=1486

Another dangerous situation would be to leave your Presto pot on overnight, unattended. Appliances with heating elements can sometimes overheat which could produce a meltdown and/or a fire. :shocked2:

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Holy crap! You know, I had been using Astorlite V for a couple of weeks & had thought that it was soy wax so I was heating it in the microwave like my regular soy. I did this for a couple of weeks before I finally realized that it was a blend! I thought for sure that it was soy. I felt like a big a$$ for not paying better attention because what happened to you could have surely happened to me.

As for the presto, you're going to love love love it! It's so much easier & quicker than the microwave. If it were me I wouldn't leave it on for any longer than necessary. Not only because it's dangerous to leave it unattended but because there's really no use in it. It will melt the wax in a matter of minutes, way shorter time than the microwave does. When you get the wax you need just unplug it & the wax will harden & be ready for the next time. If you want to take your wax out just let it harden then turn the presto on for just a minute or less & then you can just take the wax right out & pop it in a baggie.

I'm still trying to decide if I want to add a spigot or not to the pot. I see the benefits in doing so but right now it's fine without.

Good luck!

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EVERITO ..... there is still current passing through that plug even when you take the magnetic part off.....if something metal hits it or someone touches it there will be a nasty shock (do not ask me how I know this, that part of my brain got fried :rolleyes2)....please pull your plug!

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Twoscentsworth, thanks for the info... I have my pot plugged in to a power strip because the cord for the pot is too short. I'll just flip the switch on the power strip instead of pulling apart the magnetic piece.

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EVERITO ..... there is still current passing through that plug even when you take the magnetic part off.....if something metal hits it or someone touches it there will be a nasty shock (do not ask me how I know this, that part of my brain got fried :rolleyes2)....please pull your plug!

Excellent point! - that part of my brain must already be fried - good thing I never touched it - yikes!!! :shocked2: and thanks for the heads up. :smiley2:

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Hope you pass that thing without any painful side effects :shocked2:

I used to keep mine on for days at a a time,a nd then noticed one day that my wax was turning a dark amber color. When I made a candle with it, it hardened out to a darker color also. I posed that question once here, and found that the wax when heated for an extended period of time will oxidize. I didn't ake any chances, I dumped it out. It does melt wax pretty fast.

Good luck! geek

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