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Soaping Cocoa Butter, Highest %?

Grumpy Girl

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I usually use 5 % but I love cocoa butter so much that I did a batch for me using 30 % can't remember what else but I am sure that olive was in there also, I loved it and actually have private customers that love it also, it is an expensive recipe but no one minds paying for it. I have made it a couple of times and always have some on hand. Give it a shot.

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I normally use it at 5%, but upped it to 15% once just to see what it was going to be like. Nice soap....my sister's favorite bar, but not anything I would practice on a regular basis due to the cost. Since it was soap (rub-on, rinse-off) and not a lotion (leave on application) I thought it was un unnecessary expense. JMO :)

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I believe Brenda as used it at 43% for a mostly cocoa butter bar.Maybe she will chime in.Steph

I had to go double-check on this. The highest I've gone is 23%...I think! At least that's what my recipe shows. It makes a great bar, though I wasn't happy with the scent over time (rosewood EO). :sad2: I do love the smoothness of the bar!

Now you've got me thinking...what would the bar be like at 40%? I'll be interested in your results!

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Well kiddo's... long story short, I'm home till Sunday so I'll probably make this one tonight. At 40%, the soapmaker properties of this recipe are:

Hardness: 6.9

Stable Lather (creamy): 6.3

Fluffy Lather (bubbly): 4.9

Conditioning: 5.4

The only thing I'm concerned with is the bar hardness. I got a bar of soap from a swap once that I could litterally snap in half it was so hard. Carrie, I'll PM ya.

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Well, it's resting in the mold. I went with 42%, a Blind Handicap swirl (A little cocoa powder in the scented part so I can see it!) and scented it with SW Chocolovers. Smells great, no promises on what it'll look like though. I'll try to locate my camera. I haven't seen it since the packing fiasco.

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I have a few bits of 100% cocoa butter soap if you want to try it PM me

oh hold on - let me check if it's 100% shea. now I'm not sure

Drat - it's 100% shea (agbanga) - still willing to share if anyone wants to try a rock-hard 100% butter bar!

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i have curing, a batch that i used 40% CB, 30% cocoa oil, and 30% babassu....i do CPHP so i make my soap with a 1% lye discont so that i can *know* what my superfat oil is....after the cook i added another 7% CB for the superfat. i also used aloe juice and coconut milk as part of the liquids. these were both added to the oils. it's a great bar...not crumbly at all...

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Tell me about it e! I just live on the edge I tell ya.

Nah, it's not the least bit crumbly. It kinda looks like fudge though. I was gonna make a 100% bar, but haven't really gotten around to playing with it yet. I'm still trying to get my regular stock levels built back up and get that damn dog soap bar made. Maybe soon.

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I did a 49% one. I had come across a recipe on the Whisk from '04 and thought I'd give it a shot. It looks beautiful now, but iit's onlu 48 hours old. I can't wash with it yet cause I sliced my finger open yesterday and the last thing I want to do is tempt fate.

I did it in a lye can. It's pretty hard now, and a bit crumbly on the edges of the slices. Smells divine - jjust like the cocoa butter.

Also contains Lard, Castor, Canola and for some reason Beeswax - can't imagine it needs hardening, but I wanted to follow the recipe.

Supposedly it will be rock hard (doh!!!) and have incredible lather.

Julia you were a part of the thread - said you made it but you didn't report back how you liked it....

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