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Howdy from Fairview, TX

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I'm another newbie to candle making from Fairview, TX (DFW area) and my love and passion for candles is what inspired me to take on the challenge. I have no background or experience other than burning candles, haha...I actually own/operate a residential house cleaning biz for the last 2yrs. I thought I'd make my own 100% soy candles to save money since I invest a lot into Partylite candles but so far I've invested a lot of money and the savings has not occured yet so not sure what I was thinking! At first the trial and error was fun but now it's getting overwhelming & costly. I'm hoping for a break-through soon but since I've only been at it for a week (every single day!) I may have a long road ahead. So far I've experiented with Naturewax C-1 and C-3 for containers with no additivies other than FO & liquid dye...both have their pro's and con's & even seeing changes as they set longer, ugh. Wicks I've used are 44-24-18z, 51-32-18z, and 60-44-18z. Trying to obtain a full melt pool with it not happening too quickly is still under works. Not only do you have to worry about what size but when it's best to double wick as well. The closest I've come to an ok candle is the following: 8oz. metro/libbey status jar, C-3 wax, pure/uncut FO & liquid dye (ivory & coffee mix), one 51 wick. I do like that the C-3 wax seems to have less wet spots than the C-1 but I'm noticing a lot of caving in around the wick each time so I've been using a heat gun to semi-fix the problem (surface not as smooth afterwards). Also when the wax hardens it's a different color than the original pour so now I'm having stripes which I guess looks kind of cool but was hoping it would harden close to the same color. Cold and hot scent throw ok...would like it stronger but not sure how to make that happen yet...creme brulee scent is the only one i've dealt with. I've been a lurker for a week and figured I'd post and welcome any advice, tips, suggestions, etc... to what I've mentioned above. I'd be thrilled just to make a container candle for my own use and to give out as gifts for family/friends and my house cleaning customers!

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I've found that the people on this board can be very helpful. As a word of advise, they prefer to help those that help themselves. But then again, don't we all? That's all the advice I can give you because I haven't tried any of those waxes.

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Thanks Jennifer for the reply. I can understand that...I've now moved up to an advise giver instead of a seeker on a residential cleaning forum so I know what both ends feel like. I'm not partial to anything so curious to know what waxes you've used and liked? I was told to try soy120 so I think that'll be my next attempt but open to hear others thoughts. Also what is a general rule of thumb for when a full melt pull should happen? Is 4hrs. too long?

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C3 needs at least a week to cure for good scent throw, and it is a hot pour wax, that should help your cave in problem. I can't help with the wicks, have you tried the eco series? they are from lonestar which should be close to you.

hope that helps, I've been hacking at it for 8 months and I'm just now getting to the point I like my 'proprietary blend' So don't expect miracles in a week, month, or two, no doubt you will keep changing until you get it just right.....(hundreds of dollars later..........)

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What temp do you like to pour C3? I'm pouring around 140...too low then? I do notice the first pour is not as bad as the ones following so I can see how it cools I guess it gets worse. Thanks for the tips on C3...much appreciated.

I haven't tried the eco series...do you like them for C3 or just in general? I ordered from Lonestar but only containers...not close enough to drive there, durn. I've only found two local Dallas locations but not sure if their pricing is wholesale.

Haha, I was wondering what the length of time typically is for mastering. My hubby thinks I'm obsessed in just a week because I've been at it each and every day and night and neglecting pretty much everything else. I did only one test today...C3 with a 60-44-18z for a size 8oz. status/metro jar. The full melt pool doesn't start with a 51-32-18z until 5hrs. + in. That just seems way too long to me so we'll see what happens with the 60.

Thank you candledog for the reply!

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C-3 requires a much hotter pour temp. When I tested, I was pouring around 180, but since I don't use this wax, others may have a better opinion

As far as mastering, it definitely takes longer than a week. Most people work for months or years. There are no shortcuts unfortunately. Most of us still test frequently too. You must test everything you make - every FO in every jar with every kind of wax you use. The right wick for one FO may not be the right wick for a different FO. But it's a fun process (though frustrating at times, lol). If you stick with one wax and one size jar, you'll be able to work quicker because you can focus. Trying to work with multiple waxes or multiple jars can make it much more difficult. :D

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Thanks Angela (btw, I'm an Angela too and don't think I mentioned that, opps) on the pour...I'll do it at 180 next time, thanks!! Do you not use C3 because you don't like how it performs, too costly, etc...? Yes, I had a couple of containers before I knew the difficulty involved and now focused on only one container for the time being. I'm seeing that as well even though I haven't experiemented with any other FO or dye yet...testing will always be a part of it if you change any factor. I'm overly ambitious & need to realize this all just takes time but one I'm willing to do! Thanks Angela!

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Thanks Angela (btw, I'm an Angela too and don't think I mentioned that, opps) on the pour...I'll do it at 180 next time, thanks!! Do you not use C3 because you don't like how it performs, too costly, etc...? Yes, I had a couple of containers before I knew the difficulty involved and now focused on only one container for the time being. I'm seeing that as well even though I haven't experiemented with any other FO or dye yet...testing will always be a part of it if you change any factor. I'm overly ambitious & need to realize this all just takes time but one I'm willing to do! Thanks Angela!

I finally decided to use a parasoy wax instead of just soy. C-3 also has a really high melting point and I was finding it harder to wick than the other soys I was testing. If you want something to test against the C-3, try Golden 464 and Ecosoya 135. 464 has a great throw, but frosts and requires a lower pouring temp than 135. 135 has a good throw too and is pretty easy to work with. Candlescience.com is one of my fav suppliers and you can get 135 from there (as well as some great Fos and wicks)

Now, I am testing various soy and paraffin blends, including some I am mixing myself. Testing never really ends, lol. We all continually search for the golden wax that performs perfectly :grin2:

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Welcome! One thing you might consider, since you are in the DFW area, is the Greenleaf soy or their 70/30 parasoy. Greenleaf is in Grand Prairie, which may be relatively close to you (of course close is a relative term in the Metroplex--I have family there in Euless and know). If you are committed to using the C3 then you are getting great advice from this board!


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So what does everyone do with their left over test soy :grin2: ? Good to know Angela about the wick because I'm seeing that issue already. I hate to throw in the towel on C3 just yet because of it's outter appearance looks so nice in clear glass and I have a lot of it left over but if I can't get this next wick to work well I may have too! Thanks Geek about the GP location. My folks live in Bedford (HEB) so familar with that area...I'll have to check out it out, thanks!!

So when you switch over to parasoy do you still advertise as a soy candle? The reason I haven't even thought about parasoy yet is I wanted the health benefits of 100% soy (just from what I've read).

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So what does everyone do with their left over test soy :grin2: ? Good to know Angela about the wick because I'm seeing that issue already. I hate to throw in the towel on C3 just yet because of it's outter appearance looks so nice in clear glass and I have a lot of it left over but if I can't get this next wick to work well I may have too! Thanks Geek about the GP location. My folks live in Bedford (HEB) so familar with that area...I'll have to check out it out, thanks!!

So when you switch over to parasoy do you still advertise as a soy candle? The reason I haven't even thought about parasoy yet is I wanted the health benefits of 100% soy (just from what I've read).

Most people advertise it as a soy-blend candle and still tout the benefits of soy. I personally don't care about the "benefits" of soy per se. I want to make a candle that burns clean, smells great, colors nicely, etc. That's part of why I am moving to a blend. I just don't care enough to make pure soy work for me. But a lot of people on here do use soy and they work out the kinks and make great candles. It's all in what you are willing to do and what type of candle you personally want to make. If you really want to use just soy, I would try the 464 and/or 135 before giving up and moving to a blend. That said, Greenleaf has a wonderful 70/30 soy/paraffin blend that is worth trying out. Just Scent also has a great 50/50 blend, which I love. All in all, it's just a personal decision you have to make :)

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So you thought you were going to save money making candles, huh? :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: That's a good one! Annnnnnd, I've been there and been broke too! :grin2:

I am pretty geographically challenged and too lazy to look it up on a map, but Just By Nature is one of the best suppliers up in that area, imo. They are in Mesquite. There customer service is top notch and they carry C3. Their oils are wonderful, too!

Good luck to you!!!!!

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Mesquite is just as far away as GP so nice to know of some other places outside of Dallas, thanks!

Anyone here use C3 and like it? Suprise not to hear others talk about it unless ya'll have tried and moved onto something else. I'll be looking for 1 lb. sampler wax from now on...got 2 10lb. bags...what was I thinking!

Well I still haven't spent as much as I was spending on Partylite. I have a huge buffet in our dining room which has 6 shelves/4 drawers...all stuffed with those pretty blue boxes :smiley2: but I'm sure I'll catch up soon.

Does anyone mix 100% soy brands to get the blend they want? I'm watching a C3 right now and it these tiny bubbles in the melted wax...didn't notice that in the C1.

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I don't have a lot of experience with the C3, but wanted to say welcome to the board. There are a few suppliers in the area that have great stuff. Not sure where you have shopped for your supplies.




Lonestar and AAA are very close to each other and of course Greenleaf that was mentioned and Just By Nature.

These are all within driving distance in the DFW area.

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Thank you Kerry! I've been to both Taylored Concepts and AAA...bought only at Taylored which later I found the containers were cheaper at AAA, grrr. Both carry the C3 wax. Do you like their FO? When I asked Taylored Concepts if their FO were pure/uncut he avoided the question and just stated they were great (of course). I don't even know if I really need pure/uncut FO...just read some where that's what I should choose. I'm not sure where Keller is...figured it was far away but if it's close to Taylored and AAA then maybe not.

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Lonestar is not close to Taylored & AAA. Just by nature in Mesquite is closer to Taylored & AAA. Lonestar is on the other side of FT.Worth. Are you making tarts? Just by Nature carries the C-3 and V-1. I mix the two together and they pop right out of my tart molds. I've been concentrating on GB 464 trying to wick this in my containers. So far working out well. The remaining C-3 I use to make wickless candles. It was just too hard to wick.

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Meant to say Taylored and AA are close to each other, sorry. :grin2: Lonestar is in Keller and it is just past Southlake if you know where that is at, between Southlake and Fort Worth. Lonestar and Taylored are about an hour apart. Robert at Taylored does all of their own oils, so I am surprised that he wouldn't give you any information. I have used several of their FO's and have been happy with them. I also buy soaping supplies that I need in a pinch, from them. Lonestar has some good oils too and I still carry some of them. I have not been to AAA or Just By Nature so I can't speak on their stuff.

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Ah, ok...thanks for the location updates...yes I know where southlake is so now know general area of Lonestar. I talked to David that day...he was the only male there...maybe he just didn't know?? Very nice guy though and answered a gazillion questions for me and very patient. AAA is right down the street from Taylored...seemed to be a smaller show room and not as big of a selection as Taylored...just noticed their status jars $5 cheaper per 12. Good to know about Taylored fragrances as they had a whole wall full of them...could spend a day sniffing!

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