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Candle Pouring Room


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I love your ribbon wall hanger and baskets that are hung up.

My ribbons are in a basket right now, I have to dig around to find the

color I want.

That is one of my pet peeves, ( digging looking for something) LOL

The worst in the desk I use for the computer in the draws are my labels and such. I have to pull all out to get what I want.

You know like finding your car keys in the bottom of your purse. :waiting:

Happy pouring !


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It would be fun to have someone to play with while pouring! DH helped me for a little while, but then evidently he got bored with it and quit on me! If I have a large order, such as a fundraiser, I can get him to put warning labels on the bottom of the jars, but that's about it.

By the way, I messed it up for the first time Wednesday night--poured about 5 dozen candles and got it broken back in. And, of course, realized that I didn't like where I had put some things, so I'll have to do some reshuffling!

GrayMarie, I definitely want to combine your basket storage with mine. I need to get some of that wire and I'll be able to hang more baskets from that rod than I can fit onto the S-hooks (which, by the way, were very difficult to find without paying a fortune for them!).

And Brooke, I have absolutely fallen in love with pegboard since I took over this bedroom to pour candles! Being such a girly-girl, I'd never messed around much in shops and didn't realize I could get 12-inch pegs. Oh, how wonderful they are--you can store so much on the walls!! My original plan for the pegboard was to put label handled bags with different wick sizes and store my wicks that way, but it took up way too much space!! The little plastic stacking drawers hold a couple of hundred wicks each and take up much less space.

I love this board and the ideas we get from each other!!


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You've done a great job with your work room! Alas, I am still in the kitchen, but .... early this year our local Big Lot's went out of business and DH and I were fortunate enough to snag many units of their store shelving. DH mounted the shelving on the walls of our garage, so I organized all my stuff and keep it in there. Since the garage is just down the stairs from my kitchen (garage is under the house), it's not too far a stretch to go retrieve jars, wicks and wax. FOs and dyes are still stored in a cupboard in the kitchen so it all works out. But I LONG to have a room completely devoted to my addiction! Good for you!!!!!

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MsDammit, the only reason I have those curtains is because DH broke my mini blinds when he took them down for the new windows. Since the window is not a standard size, there was no way I was going to pay to have custom blinds made for that room again, so I went to buy curtains--and just happened to get lucky enough to find some with ivy, since there's an ivy border along the top of the room!

Bev, I spend MANY years making candles in my kitchen, with my FOs stored in kitchen cabinets, about 6 bottles deep. It was so hard to ever find what I wanted to pour! I had my jars stored outside in the utility room, and wicks, color, etc. tucked into any corner I could find. I was thrilled when I finally sold enough candles to invest in the tables, shelves, etc., to turn DD's old bedroom into my candle cave! Now I have it stuffed to the gills, too, but it's wonderful to have it.

Thanks for looking,


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From one basket-aholic to another... ;) Get some of that inexpensive plastic chain and either run it down from a hook in the ceiling or between two - four hooks in the ceiling (if you have low ceilings - it's not a good idea if you are over 5'11" - ask my head how I know!). Take your s-hooks or you can use heavy florists wire and hook them to the chain. Since they are baskets and aren't that heavy, you can get away with the plastic provided you put enough hooks in the ceiling should you drape it. My mom is a floral designer and that's what they did with their baskets in one of her stores that she worked in. She didn't like it though because they had 10' ceilings and she's just shy of 5'2". But for average house ceilings it would work great! I don't have high ceilings in my "dungeon" (I tried it and it just didn't work - hense the "head" comment!). but when I get the hub to finish out the garage for me I'll have 9-10' ceilings - course I'm not holding my breath or anything but a girl's got to have hope, right?!?

Happy Pouring!!

Life & Light!


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You look totally organized. I try about once a week to organize my room because I get so frustrated when I see a mess and then it goes back to things everywhere. I have to get rid of my extra stuff to make room for more stuff.... Anyone up for a good sale!!!!:D

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Jane, I am so impressed with your organization skills. Love the peg board and magaine holders. Definitely will try both ideas. Unfortunately I'm still in the litchen. You are so fortunate to have a pouring room. Grat job and thanks for sharing.

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Tish, that sounds like a great idea! I can see it in my mind already--and it's great to know I'm not the only basket-aholic!!



You should see me when I go to the Floral Wholesaler with my mom!! :drool: They have three warehouse length rows of baskets! We're talking almost a 100 yards of baskets!! I'm glad I never go in there with more than $40 cash on me or else my hub would kill me!!

BTW - if you can't get chain for some reason (my local hardware store was out of it for like 3 weeks!) - rope would work to drape also. Just tie knots in it every so often so things aren't sliding around on ya! and also make sure it's one that won't stretch out.

I am going to steal the over door idea from you when I get my act together and actually organize *my* room. We've just not had many rainy days here so I'm outside alot!

Life & Light!


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Mirannda, it seems to accumulate quicker than you'd expect. It's so funny to remember my first order from a supply company and how I thought a case of wax and a few 8-oz bottles of FO would be a lifetime supply!

It's hilarious to read comments that I'm organized--because I'm so totally unorganized! It's a real effort for me, but it sure helps to find things.

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It's great to have a whole space for your products and workroom! I used the same shelving for my baskets and was going to suggest the chain as Tish did, but you can also go to hardware store and get small turnbuckles and wire and strectch a wire cable from one end of the room to the other for the baskets. That way they can go at any height and just over your head too.

This has been one of my biggest problems too because I can't resist a basket either :).

Thanks for sharing your pictures it's always nice to see how someone sets their space up.

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