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How much stock in shop?

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..I am trying to figure out how much stock I need to open up shop..

Those of you who have a shop how much of each thing do you have stocked at any given time.

I have currently 33 scents in stock..some are not body safe and some are..I am going to do all 33 in candles..16oz, 8oz, clamshells, star melts and filled 2oz votives..plus my B&B stuff

bath salts

milk bath

milk spa salts

goat lotion

silky shea lotion

body butter

sugar scrub

salt glow

bubble bath

shower gel

body spray

fizzy bombs

goat soap

silk shea soap

clear soap

foot spray

foot soap

foot lotion

foot soak

silk protien shampoo

silk protien conditioner

bath & body oil

scented glitter gelee

and I am thinking of try some lip stuff..a bees wax cream:undecided

PLUS..my kids line..little monster puke wash, little moster tangles, little monster body & room spray which I am still testing so it wont go out until I am done with it...MAYBE by the holidays..I hope

wow ...that is alot of stuff..anyway..how much of each do you all stock in each scent..I think I am going to pull my b&b list of scents down to 10 :undecided

I have to put this in my budget for the LAST part of my biz plan...and at this point my head is spinning...I hate numbers.

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How big is your shop? What type of shelving are you using? Its hard to decide how much inventory when something to keep in mind is how much will actually make it look & feel right.

I took a quick inventory in mine the other day. I have under 200 square feet of space. I consider it to be about two booth spaces really. & my inventory is right at $5k, but I want more in it. Lots more.

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I like to do things in multiples of 6. larger items in 3's. Why not make gift baskets up too. Do you have accessories? Poofs, washcloths, fancy hand towels, soap savers, foot scrubbers. belive me...people will ask for this stuff too!! Find a store that is similar to what you want (dosen't have to be B&B or candles)and really look at their layout and pieces. Don't forget display pieces, that's where your $$ can go!

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Heres how I started. I made enough to fully stock my displays. Then made sure I had at least double that for my original stock in my stock room. When I started pulling from that last stock box..Thats when I would make more. If I opened the last box of Island tropic. I would make a complete new set of all the candles that are in that scent. A full set of one scent for me is 45 differents candles I only have 25 scents in my main line.

I do pretty much the same thing for my B&B but that line is much smaller I only offer 5 main scents

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I'm a bit surprised that you are asking this. It's not as if you are new to being a retailer. What did you do in the past? If it worked, you know the answer and if not, you know the answer as well.


I had more unique one of a kind handmade items..so to have a REGULAR stock of the same item..nope..I have not actually done that in my own store.

I did alot of wreaths, swags, one of a kind gift basket..I tried to never have two items alike in my shop.

THIS is a whole new ball game!;) ..and I like it..one of a kind is hard.:undecided

I am going to use those open lack book shelves from IKEA..the are bookshelves that are cubed instead of straight shelves..and open on both sides...white ones.

I like the double stock idea..1/2 on floor have in stockroom. I think the sales floor space is between 600-800sq foot...plus I have the work room and two office spaces. I need to go see it again and take some measurements anyway.

I am thinking of scratching a couple of the items on my list and reducing my scent list to 25 to start with..it will be easier on inventory and also in buying the scent in bulk. I can take that $$ in budget and double up on some of the other items...like the glitter gelle..and the sugar scrubs:undecided

Three full turnovers..Robin that is alot of inventory..sounds great but man that is some $$ in products..whew.

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Well with me I have a combo kind of store one of a kind items and standard stock items. I don't do soaps so I buy them in and I keep four of each of the scent I have but will change them out seasonally.

For container candles I keep 10 to 15 of each scent in 4 styles of jars of pretty standard scent but will introduce seasonal scent at appropriate time like I never have Xmas splendor but you will only find it in my store after September.

Now for my pillars they are all one of a kind sets the scent will very greatly along with looks and styles.

Tart I keep 4 of each scent in the store with more stocked in the back to refill.

I also have a custom order business which a lot of people take advantage of where I make them any scent I carry in item and color or style they want.

My really large pillars are custom order only.

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Thanks Vicky! 10-15 of each scent..hope I can hold that much on those shelves..lol.. I think for my shop size and room I have I might go with 3 -16oz, 6-8oz, 12 votives and 3 clamshells of each scent on the floor and then the same amount in back stock..I am going to cut a few scents out..ones that just don't sell as well..plus about the time I might be opening will be close to the holidays so I will have to change out my spring for holiday scents anyway.

Bath & Body is what is getting me. Plus I dont' want to have a ton of stuff made that can go bad..you know..I don't like selling anything I have that is over 6 months old...except soap. :undecided We are going to have a custom make lotion bar type area with about 6-8 products and then galvanized tubs of salts they can scoop out their own into bags that hold 6-7oz .. all the scrubs and stuff will be ready made and on the shelf..same with the body butter..things we can't make right there and then.

The shop area is so cute! It has 3 sections..with low walls around them..kinda like a low walled cubical..one of wich is great for the customer service/custom make lotion bar area. The other two are going to be split..one is going to be candles and one b&b.. then in the very front of the store where the door is we have an area on each side to put gift baskets and other decor items. Just needs some pink/black paint..and it will be ready to move into.:D I found all my other stuff at IKEA..except the kitchen sink..literally..lol..have to get that at lowes.

This one.


and the kitchen cabinets are from Ikea and have a stainless steel LOOK top.. and stainless legs..this is all for the lotion bar type area..(what else can I name this..other than lotion bar? it is not a lotion bar as the lotions will not be in the bar..just the other stuff..like body spray, shower gel and that stuff:undecided ) When I think lotion bar..I think solid lotion..not a custom make area?

We talked to the our neighbor friend last night and he said even if we don't get the loan he is going to help us get open and we will just pay him back directly.. I would rather go the loan route..he is such a great guy it makes me want to cry..his kids are the best behaved I have ever seen..they call me Miss Rachel..and say yes sir and yes mam.. they are from the south..can you tell..lol :wink2: My kids just love them all.. they are like family...but better. Me and my husband talk almost daily about what a blessing it is to have them around..and fenced in the yard with us...he lives in a rental and we could have gotten horrible neighbors but we got the best ones anyone could ask for.

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You asked what else you could use for a name for the lotion bar? Well, to me it sounds like a "Blending Station" or "Blending Bar" because that's what will be happening there...blending! (I like the sound of "blending station" the best) ;)

Your description of your shop sounds wooonderful. I wanna come see it & play!!!

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I am definatly going to post before and after pics..right now it looks like a law office..lol..BLUE..big time..and will have a lot of painting to do..but other than that is has a grey/white sponge effect on the upper half of the wall and deep blue on the bottom:sad2: . ..carpet is neutral grey color..so that will work. I have to find time this weekend to do my final projection for my biz plan and have someone edit the whole thing for me..then I can make my appointment. Days are getting LONG..waiting.:rolleyes2

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Wow, where the heck have I been? I thought that you weren't opening a store until next year?!? You must have found the right spot.. Good luck Rachel..

that was the plan but our neighbor/friend heard wind we had to wait till next year and offered to help us get open before this holiday season..so we will see what happens. :wink2: No guarentees yet but my biz plan is EXTREMELY detailed down to how much each and every product costs me to make and what I will sell it for retail and wholesale..I want the SBA and my co-signer to KNOW I am serious.:D;)

I think it is up to like 40 pages right now.

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Hey Rachel, if you are interested, I have some pictures of my displays if you would like to see how I did them. IKEA is my bestest friend in the whole wide world!

I have 30 scents and 3 of each product on shelves. I would be happy to send you pics because for the life of me I can't remember how to post them here :/

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Hey Rachel, if you are interested, I have some pictures of my displays if you would like to see how I did them. IKEA is my bestest friend in the whole wide world!

I have 30 scents and 3 of each product on shelves. I would be happy to send you pics because for the life of me I can't remember how to post them here :/

THANK you so much for sharing..those were great pics of your place! Your sign is awsome!

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