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call me a pessimist but......(bad FO, BAD!) what does NOT rock in cp?


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I want to know the scents that do NOT rock in CP. I know we have the thread for the ones that are awesome in CP, but I thought it would be cool to have a thread for what FO to avoid.

Please tell us where the FO is from, what it did that was not cool and any other comments

I will start


Tropical Rain - it started to sieze and riced! but I beat the daylights out of it and it made for decent soap that smells great!


Mojito- made a crumbled batch of soap, and scent morph and didn't hold up!

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Dream Angel Heavenly wasn't strong it faded out in 3 days


Spellbound Woods. Actually the scent seems to be nce, but it turned the soap a really dark brown (not necessarily a bad thing, since it now looks kinda woody).


Tropical Rain - it started to sieze and riced! but I beat the daylights out of it and it made for decent soap that smells great!


Mojito- made a crumbled batch of soap, and scent morph and didn't hold up!


Burberry....both batches seized and riced...rebatched both batches and ended up with some nice soap but I would strongly suggest using only 1/2 oz ppoo with this scent.

Wondering what would happen if I swirled in some un-colored, unscented....

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If your batch is seizing and/or ricing real bad, its hard to swirl in any color at that point.

My batch with the Spellwood didn't do anyting but turn brown as it saponified. Thinking of trying to swirl in some unfragranced so I can have a brown background with a a white swirl. Does that kind fo thing work do yo think?

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Try a blind swirl then - you do that with an FO that will turn colors on you. Take out of portion of unscented soap and swirl that back into the scented portion. I've tried it a few times with Pink Sugar but haven't gotten the percentage down enough to see the unscented portion once swirled back in.

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SC- Brown Sugar and Fig, riced up the instant I poured it in. Ended up having to cook it, and I can't even smell it, neither in the bottle or the soap.

SOS-Calandre, riced up and it made my soap look so yucky. Think liposuction in a bbowl, or fat mixed with blood. That is exaxtly what my soap looked like. I was too pissed to even try and save it, threw it away.

Wanted to edit this and say that I ralize now that I have to use the manufacturer's fragrance from SOS if I am going to CP soap with it. I looked at my bottle and saw that I had the cosmetic blend, which is probably why I ended up with liposuction guts.

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FNWL- Egyptian Musk smells like water and castor oil in the bottle, looks like water too. Smell actually made me sick, took me back to the day I tried to kick my labor in gear by drinking castor oil when my daughter was taking her sweet time to come out of the womb. Spent the night in the bathroom:o

Tried soaping it to see if the fragrance would blossom in CP, but my soap smells unscented. Wrote them about it because I was really annoyed that I spent $12.60 on 4 ounces of water and oil in a bottle, just to tell them that it smells nothing like Egyptian Musk. They never even replied with an apology.

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