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sample soaps from hotels


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was wondering (if I can get a answer), if I could shredd all those silly hotel soaps and melt them down and add some other milk or such to it for a rebatch, this will not be for selling just for personal use, just wondered if I could have a use for them, thanks to whoever answers in advance

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Would not be like a CP rebatch, more like making MP I would think. Go ahead and cut one up, then melt in the micro or double boiler, then play with color, scent, etc. If you have pretty MP molds, it's a perfect opportunity to try them.

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If that doesn't work MAYBE you could cube them and add them to a CP batch :undecided ... I know it wouldn't be 100% true handmade CP soap BUT you'd be using the hotel soap up.

I'll be interested in seeing the results whatever you decide to do :D!

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If that doesn't work MAYBE you could cube them and add them to a CP batch :undecided ... I know it wouldn't be 100% true handmade CP soap BUT you'd be using the hotel soap up.

I'll be interested in seeing the results whatever you decide to do :D!

You know, that is an idea I had not thought of. My husband used to travel a lot in his job, so I have a lot of those in a box in the basement. Of course, I suppose you could grate them up and maybe use them in a laundry soap, maybe like the Fels Naptha???


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If you decide you don't want to do anything with the hotel bars, you can donate them to your local homeless shelter or women's shelter. They love this kind of stuff and it really helps some folks out.

That's what *I* was jsut about to say. They really need stuff like shampoo, soap, toothbrushes & toothpaste, deodorant, etc. But generally it all has to be labeled so you cannot just donate your scraps (this depends on the shelter, though).

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Our VFW Ladies Aux unit adopted a unit sent to Iraq. We collected these as well as the shampoos, etc. and sent to the troops. They were much appreciated. Lots of folks were buying bulk detergent, etc. and giving it to us. Problem was, we had to bag these in small portions. Those folks can only move around with little bits in their backpacks. Don't have a group doing that? The comments above about the homeless and women's shelters are right on. They need everything!

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That's what *I* was jsut about to say. They really need stuff like shampoo, soap, toothbrushes & toothpaste, deodorant, etc. But generally it all has to be labeled so you cannot just donate your scraps (this depends on the shelter, though).

It must depend on your area because I do it where I live. I just send over all my soap scraps and batches that don't come out the way I was wanting adn they just love them. Other than the fact that cosmetically they don't look that good, there is nothing wrong with the soap. Another thing you can do with your scraps is rebatch them all together and sell them for charity. I do that and call them "Little Treasures" because what is one man's trash is another man's treasure. :wink2:

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