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Fall or Christmas yet?

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so far i will be adding

autumn leaves from solascandle.com

indian summer from atwixend.com

dolce & gabbana from atwixend.com

fall festival from ics

all hallow's eve from ics

these 5 for sure


mountain forest from atwixend

zanzibar clove from atwixend.

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I'm starting to pour my top selling Fall & XMas scents now because if I get it done now, I don't have as much work to do when I go back to work in September! I haven't tried anything new yet but I'm dropping some items that didn't sell too well last year. Making the most of my time while I have it.

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Loaded up on all my fall and winter FO's. Now I will start cooking!!

Have a big craft show in the beginning of Sept. and lots of fall fundraisers.:cool2:

ETS: Carol, just checked out the descpt. of fall festival from ICS... May have to try that one!

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Thanks for this post, made me clear the cob webs out of my mind. Hmmmmm maybe a nice cold larger could help that :cool2: .

Last 4th quarter was a nightmare, I couldn't keep up with all the candles I was selling. Working my regular job all day then coming home and working another 5-8 hours on candles. I SWORE, I swear I SWORE, that I would have alot of back up made of the best sellers. Now if I could only get my azz in gear. :laugh2:

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Thanks for this post, made me clear the cob webs out of my mind. Hmmmmm maybe a nice cold larger could help that :cool2: .

Last 4th quarter was a nightmare, I couldn't keep up with all the candles I was selling. Working my regular job all day then coming home and working another 5-8 hours on candles. I SWORE, I swear I SWORE, that I would have alot of back up made of the best sellers. Now if I could only get my azz in gear. :laugh2:

Yep, I'm starting in the next 2 weeks when I get more supplies in. Last year was a nightmare for me, I didn't have enough or enough variety made. So this year I will start decorating and putting out fall & Christmas in August so it wont be so hard on me. Then I will stop making anything Christmas related the first of December and start working on Valentines Day.

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I'm really late this year getting my fall line in order. I haven't been able to come up with anything new...so I skipped right to winter. I have almost everything ordered and some stuff already poured..I guess this week I need to get my ass in gear and get that fall fo ordered huh?

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a really great scent for fall & winter is winter hug from greatcandle.com

in michigan. i sold alot of it last year, it's like a spicy apple butter for fall that's what i call it and winter is winter hug.

With that discription, does it smell anything like Apple Cider?

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