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New Website - Please look and tell me

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I only looked at the site a little but here are a few things that stood out to me:

On the main page, your logo and the other rectangle should be bigger. They are a little hard to read, especially the smaller one. There should be an apostrophe in Lisa's.

When you click on the pics to see a bigger view, they are a little too big and blurry.

Under bath delights, the type of bags be musliN. MusliM is a religion.

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Found a couple for ya. On the 8oz glass jar candle. In my opinion I would just say 8oz jar candle, not 8oz glass jar of a candle.

Creame looking on top and drizzles of syrup. Think I would say whipped frosting top with drizzles of syrup or maybe creamy frosting top with drizzles of syrup.JMO

Hummingbird lovers will rejoice with this candle on there desk. Should be their.

Your graphics look great. Can't wait until I get my own.

Maybe you should put the size or ounce amount on the shampoo page.

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Ok on the apostraphe I wanted it to be added and Tony said could;nt put the apostrophe in my name ( domain name ) should I put it there on my name anyways ?

You can't place it in your domain name, but you can place it in the page title that is surrounded by the rope. I'm not familiar with ASP, but placing the ' shouldn't be a problem. Might have to escape the ' like this \' in the line that it exists in.

I agree with previous poster that your logo needs to be much bigger on your intro page. You may want to move it down a bit too (JMO)

Looks pretty good though and nice graphics. :D

Update: I agree with what Pamperme. You need more content on your intro page. Maybe place all the navigation links (except shopping cart) on the front page in a few rows on the bottom. Search engines will more likely to surf all your pages that way. Make sure you include the meta tag info, keywords and descriptions in the header. Once you think everything is done. Create a sitemap and submit it to google. Instructions are on the google site. You will find that your site gets indexed much faster that way.

one more thing....It looks like your site uses frames. While this is fine, spiders dont like frames very much. It's often better to create the same menu on each page other than on one page and open all others in a frame. (JMO) Good luck :)

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Overall I like your site..Love your fluted votives.:D

Lots of grammer mistakes..with capitalizations and stuff. (I had that on mine to..when you are trying to get it done and your fingers are going faster than your brain it is easy to do)..I would go through every single page and read it outloud to yourself and look for those mistakes..you will be amazed at what you missed. Including on your list of fragrances.

I like your logo on the front page. It does need to be bigger...I also noticed there was not ' in Lisa's ... I don't think you have enough INFO on your home page to be picked up by internet spiders..You might want to beef it up a bit and add some links to your other pages. Someone else chime in here if you can.

The Home page also seems a little bare to me...a little plain I guess. but increasing the logo might help that.

I think the stay at home mom line should be on an about us page and give some more information about your craft and stuff..people like to read that you are just a person like they are even though you own a biz. ..maybe increase your font size as well.

Also you might want to beef up your descriptions a bit..Make people WANT to buy right now..it is so wonderful. ;)


You will be receiving 3 old fashioned clothespins , soaked in heavy amounts of fragrance oils .

They will be wrapped in raffia for decorative purposes .

You will amaze anyone with these items .

You will receive three highly scented old fashioned clothespins with a raffia bow. Our clothespins are a beautiful and decorative way to scent your home. These make a wonderful housewarming gift and at only $1.50 you can afford to buy one for yourself as well.

I had to back through my site multiple times and fix stuff..and when I posted it on here there were still things I missed..I usually just glance through it at least once a day reading a page..and fixing errors. A website is always a work in progress.

Your doing good..keep it up. :wink2:

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I also suggest an ingredient statement for your B&B stuff, or at least some verbiage playing up the strong points like "contains cocoa butter for natural moisturization" or the like. Give them a reason to want yours over what they can get in the grocery store.

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Looks like your off to a great start. A few suggestions other than grammar. Your little bags next to the add to cart are cute but seem a bit large and kind of clutter the page. Maybe half the size and they'd still be recognizable and adorable. I agree w/taking out your personal info from the home page and adding product info. Maybe something about what kind of high quality ingredients go into making your products & enticing customers to bring a piece of the country store feel into their homes.

Also, if possible, I'd lose the "entry" page. It's not clear that you have to click on the logo to enter the store. Why not just make the store page your home page?

That's all for now - good luck!

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WHEW Wow thank yall so much for chiming in on all of this . I have copied all of yalls words and pronted the paper out and now I am off to fix it up ..

On the page of Navigation Links and such I am totally lost dont even know what you are talking about ? :(

On the making it sound more interesting I love the ideas yall gave me and could stand more LOL .

Shipping is flat rate of $3 heck if you bought $300 I;d be more than happy to ship LOL

Now , off to the page to work , work , work on it ..

Anything else pop out please lmk . Also on making the stuff bigger on that front page I have no clue how to do that , or to make the add to cart button smaller ?

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I also suggest an ingredient statement for your B&B stuff, or at least some verbiage playing up the strong points like "contains cocoa butter for natural moisturization" or the like. Give them a reason to want yours over what they can get in the grocery store.

I do agree on the Ingredients listing, 'ya never know w/allergies and such.

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The site looks great....nice job!!!

a couple little things...on your fragrance oil list (drop down) there are a couple that don't start with a capital letter

bathtime Bubbles - Bathtime Bubbles

midsummer Night - Midsummers Night

Passion melon - Passion Melon

Daffodil only has 1 L not 2 on the end

Toasted Marshmallow not Marshmellow

Cherry Vanilla Sundae, not Sundea

I also did notice you don't have "type" by your duplicates....you should probably put that because you can get in trouble using their exact names from trademarked companies....at least it will cover you. You have Aqua Pink Sugar, not sure if you mean Aquolina?

on 3 oz bath salts, you have an extra space before the period

check the sample size salt paragraph, there are lots of extra spaces before the comma's and period's. Actually going through the rest of the site I do notice lots of extra spaces between a word and a comma.

also an extra space before the period on the 8 oz jar candle.

well there's a few....but your products and descriptions look great! very nice job!!!

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TY so much yall , you would'nt belive the help yall have been to me . I am still working on this site and hopefully will get it done soon LOL

On the scents TY for the spellings I stink at that and my hand got so tired I know thats why there are so many mistakes .

On the Mini Muffin type tarts it is suppose to look like that , the tops are smooth but I liked that second drop look some one told me once it looked like a drop so I named them muffin drops but then changed it back .

I just wished I could understand alot of tech stuff yall mentioned so I can change them but I cant right now cause I have no clue as to how to go about doing them .

I am in a tart group and asked them for help and so far nothing LOL

Hopefully someone can walk me through it cause I love all of yalls thoughts and ideas .

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The problem that you may be facing on fixing some of the things like the navigation buttons is due to using the themes in customization mode 1. I know what you are going through since I am also using WAHMS there isn't much option unless you know all the HTML codes to do it yourself. It is not possible to move the buttons to the bottom or top of the page they are where they are. If you go to your estore and then go to store settings there is an option to change your add to cart button and there are some to choose from.

To make your logo and banner bigger you are going to have to resize it and then save it and then upload it...not to sure if using frames that you can lower it or not..that is something you will have to play around with.

I like your site it just needs some finishing touches. I am currently working on mine and have found that it is easier to type what I want to say on a word document and then spell check it. You can then copy and paste it into your descriptions.

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