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Seda France/Super Marketing Tactics


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My ex BF lives in Point Pleasant, NJ. Luxury candle boutiques were abound.

Too bad he turned out to be a whiney ass bitch- cuz life would have been sweet. Money isn't everything.

NJ has some money- it's just not in Newark. :wink2:

And I give this company some major credit for marketing and originality.

Which is key in brand recognition. Their laughing all the way to the bank.

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...and in such a short amount of time!

Yea about there tim to success. I wonder how there candles burn and how much if any at all of R&D, on the candle part, did they do?

Sure you can have a nice package, that will make a product sell, but what is that worth if the candle is crap.

I sell Quality of Product not quanity of packaging.

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Candleman... do you think every candle that is considered expensive to most people burns like shit? Seriously, this is not the case.

Have you ever burned a Diptyque candle?

Pricey, yes. But they burn very well, and throw like crazy.

I don't have any experience with the candles mentioned in this thread.

I am not wild about the scent selection.

I know your customers want cost effective, and high quality.

But there is a huge market out there for people that buy luxury candles.

They wouldn't consider paying any LESS. These are the customers I would think would be favorable to consider.

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My ex-husband is from Maplewood NJ. When I tell people he grew up on Wyoming Avenue they say "oh wow - in one of the mansions?"

But money cannot buy personality... A$$

I LIVE in NJ cause of custody stuff, but I'm not FROM NJ - I'm from the boonies of central NY...

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okay, hush my mouth. I would like to know what you guys think though. Most candle fanatics want a great CANDLE, lots of scent and burn time. they don't want to pay for packaging. And I just don't get this-I am no marketing genius, but if I put a tassel on my candles I can sell them for 30 bucks?? What kind of wax are they?? I guess people figure if they are expensive they are worth more, they are perceived to be expensive because of the packaging but let me tell you, I have been to plenty of stores near some of the locations that are not carrying these and was told things like these won't move in the store. The store owners were always getting me to come down in my price and make practically nothing and I have a nice looking candle and they all agreed they liked them, BUT whatever. Do you all think maybe we are spendnig too much time testing waxes/burn times/wicks and should spend more time testing marketing results with our packages?? I am stumped. I would never pay that amount no matter what it looked like. Even high priced candles advertising in the Country Home magazine seem too high for me. Maybe I'm nuts. And I live 10 minutes from Philly, 30 minutes from the shore and 20 minutes from one of the stores they are now sold in. So I guess I know nothing.

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okay, I went on their site and poked around for a bit. Their other packages are prettier, I think. There is definitely some big money being spent on publicity and packaging, $$$ like I wouldn't make in a year. But whatever. It sounds from the instructions like it is a soy wax with a zinc wick and (get this) they even tell you that the wick might be a bit crooked and so you might have to recenter it as it burns. For that kind of money the wick should sprout another candle. Unbelieveable.

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Ok - people that can afford to shop in the stores that sell these things are constantly relying on the store owner(s)/workers to furnish them w/quality products - no matter HOW MUCH it costs - or how expensive or cheap looking the packaging is.

A close friend of mine owns a home interior store in our small town. He has loyal customers that buy from him year round. This includes my SIL! I make candles - quality candles - great smelling candles - I've been told. Sell them for much lower than he does and my SIL chooses to buy from him! Trust me - she could have all the free candles from me she wanted but she spends mega bucks on candles from his store that I don't think burn as good as mine do - and that's her choice!!

He sells a rock glass size for $16 or $18 that is packaged in a clear celophane bag w/a bow around the bag and one around the glass - and when I tell you a lot of times there is so much wax stuck to the sides and what doesn't have wax on it has black soot stains - I just can't believe they sell like they do! He has molted pillers that he sells for unbelievable prices. I've been in his store at all times during the year and these things fly out the door!

If a store has loyal customers that trust the owner(s) they will spend gobs of their money on whatever they are selling - no matter what it looks like. So of course if Oprah says it's good, then darn it we all should be out buying it because we are all such loyal devoted fans!:bow: Right...Not!!! Especially since she's getting all the FREE product she could never ever use her whole life just by mentioning a product on her show!! Don't get me wrong ... she does wonderful things but I'm not running out and buying something cause she says to do so!

Ok ... does any of that make any sense! :D Oh and about those candles that this was originally about ... I would NEVER spend that much money on a candle that size no matter how great it smelled!

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The one thing I noticed missing from that site are pillars and votives. Only container candles. So I guess it's time to venture to pillars and then fnid an unusual way to package them-how about in a velvet lined box and i can charge 50 bucks for it??haha. But my wheels are turning......

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I personally dont like their packaging, but many do. Candles, I guess, are like doctors - everyone has their opinions on which doctor is good or bad.

But, I do know in the Central Texas area (Waco and surrounding areas), most people will not spend that kind of money on a candle.

I have never purchased one of my competitor's candles, but I know they have purchased mine :D. Maybe, I am being naive, but I dont care about competition, I just want to try to improve my candles and continue to learn something new every day!

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Maybe I'm nuts. And I live 10 minutes from Philly, 30 minutes from the shore and 20 minutes from one of the stores they are now sold in. So I guess I know nothing.

LOL. You answered your own question. There are communities around you with money to burn. I forget the names but they are all off rt.70 west and a few turns and you are in richville. They are not Bergen county, but they are still loaded.

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Great idea actually about the pillar thing. I wouldnt give out any more ideas that good though, you made me think of something. :)

If you sincerely want to package your pillars in a velvet lined box you are welcome to my idea. And if you make a mint that's great. Unfortuantely I don't have the $$$ right now to even try something so lavish. Got get em!!

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