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Storage ?


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I did a search about what to store cured soap in (shoe boxes, paper bags, cardboard boxes) I get that part. But where do you store it. Think it's okay to store in a box in the garage or is that too hot? Mind you I am in Florida and it's warm in there most of the time. okay it's hot in there. Now this would be after soap has cured not while it's curing. I am totally out of room in my house to be storing any more supplies, candles, etc... I have plenty of room in my garage.

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I think our humidity is too much for the soap. My DH ended up taking a corner of the garage close to the handler and adding two walls, and then a/c'ing it so I had more room. These houses here have NO storage in them like Northern homes??

I'm still confused on storing as I've asked some experienced soapers and they say NOT to put your soaps in plastic, if its a good enough FO than it'll retain its scent. So that is one thing I've learner is to make sure the FO is specifically for soap, as I was using candle FOs that said they were Body Safe. While others put their's in plastic sleeves in plastic storage boxes!

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I got some shipping boxes from Stapels. They have all different sizes. After my soap has cured, I just store them in the boxes.

Tara, I know, living in NY we dont have the humidity you do there....but, if you stored your soaps in cardboard boxes I would say you will be fine. I would not store them in a hot garage though. Do you have a spare bedroom? if so, put that bed on risers and store them under there. LOL...every bed in my house is on risers....even the couch..and I am short! Gots to have that storage space!!!!!

Maybe Miss Bunny will chime in here. She lives in humidity central too.

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What about putting your containers and anything unmeltable or that can take high temps and humididty in the garage and then storing everything else in the house.....add shelving units to all your closets...it will cost some money but will utilize your storage space to it's maximum.....you can also add to non-closet walls as well!

here is an example of the shelving units that I am talking about..


they also have garage ones which are a little more durable for work areas...just make sure you install the vertical pieces on your wall studs so that it will hold the weight...the horizontal header really takes some of the strain off the vertical pieces as well!

you would not believe the amount of stuff that you can cram into a closet when you have an organizer like this!!!!

Wal-mart also has some great plastic storage containers by Homz that measure 14" square and fit perfectly on the 12" shelving without any over hang on the front side!!!! they are great for storing things like citric, baking soda, uv inhibitor and such!

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if so, put that bed on risers and store them under there. LOL...every bed in my house is on risers....even the couch..and I am short! Gots to have that storage space!!!!!

oh my....i've never even thought of this....hmmmm...hubby may need a step ladder to get into bed if I did that...he is a shorty and we have the thick mattress/boxsprings! hahahaha...I might do it just to see the expression on his face!

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Thanks all. I have already moved everything that's unmeltable etc...to the garage and am still out of room. No extra bedrooms, kids are still small. This is why I have hesitated so long to make soap because I knew I would run into this problem. But I have freaking soap everywhere:D I will keep thinking of a place I can put it.:undecided

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under the coffee table, behind the couch, back of every cupboard....

heck, clean out the kitchen cabinets... who needs pots & pans anyway? Disposible plates & cups don't take up as much room as glass ;) Cleared out part of the pantry, took over part of the eat in kitchen and moved in a work table w/built in storage... um, bottom of the diaper changing table which the kids don't need anymore anyway... the possibilities are endless is you reprioritize your living arangements!

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Thanks all. I have already moved everything that's unmeltable etc...to the garage and am still out of room. No extra bedrooms, kids are still small. This is why I have hesitated so long to make soap because I knew I would run into this problem. But I have freaking soap everywhere:D I will keep thinking of a place I can put it.:undecided

Can you consolidate the kids into one room? :D I use to do that..had them both in one room so I could have candle space. PLUS I only had one room to clean toys up in...another plus. They did not even care they did not have their own rooms.

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Can you consolidate the kids into one room? :D I use to do that..had them both in one room so I could have candle space. PLUS I only had one room to clean toys up in...another plus. They did not even care they did not have their own rooms.

Now that's hardcore lady!! :highfive:

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Can you consolidate the kids into one room? :D I use to do that..had them both in one room so I could have candle space. PLUS I only had one room to clean toys up in...another plus. They did not even care they did not have their own rooms.

Nope, that's not an option. My kids are older and need their privacy but that's a choice if they were smaller.

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cleaning out the cabinets is a good idea. when i did that i made room for one cabinet and one shelf in my pantry. i added one metal shelf that is tall like a book shelf. i do not know what kind of wax you use but could you store wax in the garage i think a person could pillar wax not sure about container wax. ware i get my wax from is in a ware house no air.my container wax is never melted but i live in Missouri about 100 is the hottest it gets hear. molds and wicks and stuff should be OK in a garage. would be a pain when you wonted them tho.

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I think our humidity is too much for the soap. My DH ended up taking a corner of the garage close to the handler and adding two walls, and then a/c'ing it so I had more room. These houses here have NO storage in them like Northern homes??

I'm still confused on storing as I've asked some experienced soapers and they say NOT to put your soaps in plastic, if its a good enough FO than it'll retain its scent. So that is one thing I've learner is to make sure the FO is specifically for soap, as I was using candle FOs that said they were Body Safe. While others put their's in plastic sleeves in plastic storage boxes!

You are so right! I grew up in Cleveland Ohio, and our house there is a like a mansion compared to these down here. I feel so closed in,lol. Up north we had a 4 story house with 7 bedrooms, down here just 1 floor and if you want 2 floors be prepared to pay an arm and leg.

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