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SoapCalc9 question


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I see on the soap qualities the averages for a good bar from hardness to creamy lather, but what if you exceed the range, I just wondered if you made it higher, would it be bad? I could see not exceeding the hardness, but what bout the cleansing, and both the lathers, would it not make for a good bar? Just thinking cause my recipe had higher numbers than the range

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Yeah I would stick to that range for cleansing ... coming from someone who thought she did, but didn't. As for the lathering, heck I'm tempted to try to come up with a recipe that doesn't abide by the range. Right now my numbers are really close together and I get the creamy lather. I want bubbles.

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I am not sure about the lathers, but you don't want it to be too cleansing unless you are going for a really scrubby bar.

A really scrubby bar? I thought you had to add scrubby ingredients for that. Something like apricot kernels or seeds and stuff. If soaps cleansing numbers are off the chart then that means it's not a good soap unless you want it for the laundry?...I'm confused cause I thought soap was supposed to clean and moisturize and that's about it!:o

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Since I started making soap in January, which hasn't been that long ago, I was always told the lower the cleansing number, the better it was for your skin. See links below. That the higher the number, the more harsh it was. I probably shouldn't have used the word scrubby, but harsh. I could be totally wrong on this, if I am, someone please correct me.



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On the soapcalc 9 site it doesn't say that 26 which is off the chart is bad soooo when does it get to the irritating point is what I'd like to know. So far my soaps have been right at 26 so I guess my soap won't wash off any birthmarks or anything....lol..so should I assume that anything above 26 is harsh?

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I went back over my notes and my soap is not at 26 it is 20. On the soap calc site isn't there examples of recipes that shows 26 as a good number for cleansing though?:( or did I read that somehwere else..it is about time for info overload. I was worried when I thought my cleansing was 26. I thought that my soap was ready for the car wash or laundry...LOL

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Right now my numbers are really close together and I get the creamy lather. I want bubbles.

Have you tried adding sugar to your lye water? I add 1tsp ppoo and get loads of bubbles....then again I use Castor in every batch too so it could be a combo of both. :D

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Have you tried adding sugar to your lye water? I add 1tsp ppoo and get loads of bubbles....then again I use Castor in every batch too so it could be a combo of both. :D

Yep, Mary is right. If bubbles are your aim, you cannot beat the combo of coconut, PKO, castor and babassu. Don;t need any sugar with those.

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