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It has it's pro's and con's.

I quit using it several years ago because of the bleeding issue when hot. At a 6% FO load (which it can hold with no problems), all is well under most circumstances. BUT....if the finished candle is in room temp conditions of about 85 degrees or higher, the oil will begin to bleed out the top. It's not a matter of too much oil, it will do it even with 2-3% FO. It's simply a temperature issue. I had candles in a couple retail stores that had no AC, and it was not a pretty site.

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It has it's pro's and con's.

I quit using it several years ago because of the bleeding issue when hot. At a 6% FO load (which it can hold with no problems), all is well under most circumstances. BUT....if the finished candle is in room temp conditions of about 85 degrees or higher, the oil will begin to bleed out the top. It's not a matter of too much oil, it will do it even with 2-3% FO. It's simply a temperature issue. I had candles in a couple retail stores that had no AC, and it was not a pretty site.

Beth- so you would not reccommend? LOL Is there another soy wax blend that will give the same look, that crystalized look?
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Strahl and Pitsch has a blend that gives a very pretty crystal look (I believe it is the 487P). To me it actually set up better and had a little bit of a better throw than straight palm. You can see their waxes with this link. I believe they will still send you a couple of pounds for testing and give you information for buying it, if you e-mail them. I still have some of what they sent me, I hope one of these days to get to play with it a bit more.

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It's not a soy wax, Q is a veggie blend, probably Palm like all the others. Haven't tried the S&P, but the Candlewic has some nice palms for both containers and pillars.

I have not, however, tested either for the heat/bleed issue. To test, I set them up in the storage area above the garge on a warm day, lol, doesn't get hot enough in the house to test. Maybe someone else has experience with other palms in hot areas.

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Strahl and Pitsch has a blend that gives a very pretty crystal look (I believe it is the 487P). To me it actually set up better and had a little bit of a better throw than straight palm. You can see their waxes with this link. I believe they will still send you a couple of pounds for testing and give you information for buying it, if you e-mail them. I still have some of what they sent me, I hope one of these days to get to play with it a bit more.

Kaybee, where is this link? I went to the site of Strahl and Pitsch and didn't see anyplace to order samples. Thanks

Edit to add i'm a dummy. You say right there to e-mail them. can you say Duh

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Okay, I received an e-mail this morning stating that they do not sell directly through their website. I guess the next step is to call them. How did you get your samples????
Call the (800) number and ask for Crystal. I got a 5lb sample of the AstorQ for $6.95. So far, So good. Crystal is great! Alabaster candle supply in AL, (877) 621-2325.
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I have been working with the Astorlite Q for about 6 months now. I love the look but have had some other problems. Some scents don't throw well, others throw really well when hot but not at all when cold. I guess that doesn't bother me so much as I can just test and use the ones that work well.

I have also had to experiment with the cooling process as I found that it wouldn't crystalize if I let it cool down from room temp. I heat the oven a little and let it cool down slowly in the oven. I live in a cool climate and we don't heat the house above 65*.

My biggest problem with it has been the color. I absolutely love the look of this wax, but have found that a majority of my dyes (chips and liquid) change color as it burns. It slowly changes to whatever color plus a drab tan. In the pastels, this really shows. In the darker colors it shows less. I have had some input from others on the CT board and basically it sounds like this is just something that happens with this wax. I haven't heard from anyone that there are certain brands or types of dyes that work better. I have had one green that didn't change colors when all the others have.

I have to admit that this dye problem is a big one for me. I loved the pure white testers that I made, but they became an ugle tan half way through. I don't want to sell something that is going to change color!

So, I guess my opinion of this wax is a bit mixed at the moment. If I can conquer the dye problem, I think I will come to love this wax. If not, well... don't know what I'll do with the rest of my wax!!:undecided



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Okay, I received an e-mail this morning stating that they do not sell directly through their website. I guess the next step is to call them. How did you get your samples????

This was over a year ago, but I just e-mailed them and asked for samples of the ones I was interested in and they just sent them to me, I didn't pay for them. That may have changed since then. Did they give you a list of distributors? I know that they are based up in the northeast. You might give them a call.

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They are in New York and I can't find a list of distributors. They did send me a couple of attachments with prices etc. so I guess I'll call them. ( I'm at work and can't use my long distance for personal reasons so I have no idea when I'll actually talk to someone. ( it's not an 800 #) They also have fax # so maybe that'll do it. No big deal. I've been using Candlewic for years but thought it would be nice to try something new. They're prices are much higher. $1.12 per lb up to 1047 lbs.. it doesn't go down to .77 per lb until you order 44,092 lbs. Yeah, like that's going to happen. Anyway thanks and if I ever manage to obtain samples I'll let you know. Their sheet says " excellent fragrance loading capacity" but doesn't give a %. Oh well, I'll get some eventually. Thanks for your help.

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I bought a 55 lb bag of it instead of getting a small amount. Turns out I don't care for it much so I have about 50 lbs I don't know what to do with. If anyone wants it PM me. I had the same problems as nantes had and decided it was too much work for the result.

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They are in New York and I can't find a list of distributors. They did send me a couple of attachments with prices etc. so I guess I'll call them. ( I'm at work and can't use my long distance for personal reasons so I have no idea when I'll actually talk to someone. ( it's not an 800 #) They also have fax # so maybe that'll do it. No big deal. I've been using Candlewic for years but thought it would be nice to try something new. They're prices are much higher. $1.12 per lb up to 1047 lbs.. it doesn't go down to .77 per lb until you order 44,092 lbs. Yeah, like that's going to happen. Anyway thanks and if I ever manage to obtain samples I'll let you know. Their sheet says " excellent fragrance loading capacity" but doesn't give a %. Oh well, I'll get some eventually. Thanks for your help.

Yeah, the cost plus shipping is what has kept me from going any further with this wax. But is is beautiful....Here is a post of the container candle I posted on the old board. If I can find any of my paperwork they sent to me, I will let you know, but I have a feeling it is long gone.


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It looks good, looks just like the palm I use. How was the hot throw and wicking? ( long time ago (Mar. 2005) so you may not remember ) Shipping is already killing me from PA to FL and it's been a year since I ordered 200 lbs so I shudder at what the current price will be. Uggg and I have a kid that will be ready for college 2007 and another one in 2008. Thank God my work covers 90% of the tuition but at $27,500. for 2 semesters of only tuition I'm still going to be hurting. May have to put my hobby on hold for a long time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been playing the the Astorlite Q again, I can't wick them correctly and it's driving me NUTS!!:waiting: Soooo, I emailed S&P as Kaybee suggested and they emailed me right back and are sending me some samples. I can't wait!! I am determined to make this wax type work!! :D

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  • 1 month later...

I just ordered a sample of AstorliteQ from Lonestar. I had a batch of it before that worked great in 4oz hex jars. Larger containers presented a wicking problem. Also only used a teal dye that did not change colors. I am looking forward to experimenting with it.

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