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Everything posted by Chrislt

  1. Sorry for any problems you are having. You need to download and install the framework before the sql server. I have had a few setbacks and some personal issues that have slowed me down but i want everyone to know that this idea is not dead and i hope to have it up and going soon. Good things come to those who wait. On a side note does anyone know a good place to get low price containers I have had my fill with lonestar.
  2. I am setting the base resolution for 800x600 based on the poll enough people still use it to justify. I am real close to a test (by the end of the week fingers crossed) so if you want to test let me know. :wave: I would not count on it to be stable and i would not use it for accual accounting or inventory just testing. I will be putting up a new poll for feedback.
  3. Made good progress today. I can add items from vendors. Then use them to make Products. Batch input products into finished goods and show a detailed listing and a summation listing. Calculates cost based off of the item setup unit cost. If you plan on using this when it is done or test it as i release versions you will need sqlsever 2005 express(free) from microsoft http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=65212 and dot net framework 2.0(free) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=90&p=&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5&u=http%3a%2f%2fdownload.microsoft.com%2fdownload%2f5%2f6%2f7%2f567758a3-759e-473e-bf8f-52154438565a%2fdotnetfx.exe If the links dont work the program will self update when it runs.
  4. Wow great responce so far. Keep them coming. Maybe we should add a poll to see what the most useful features would be. Peggy-I'm using vb.net 2005 OK lets talk about items we buy.(Not products we make) I have the following. Name--(4oz Hex Jar-LS) Vendor--(LoneStar) Unit Price--($.60) Shipping Cost--($.10) Real Cost--($.70 Unit--(EA) Item Type--(Container) anything missing? Items will be used to make Products I have 20 Items per product is that enough? Also on units I am thinking of th following.(if you need additional let me know now please) (oz)(lbs)(ea) this will need to be set in stone so i can do calculations based on unit type.
  5. Good Idea then we can find out how much wax will fit in the sink if you turned it into a candle. I like it. Just Kidding.... I think its great to see people get excited. I asked for a "Wish List" and thats what I expected. You should know that people who do not program dont think the same way as those who do. They see something as cool and we see it as 4000 lines of code. So please dont be to harsh. Do you use VB,C++,C#...?
  6. was wandering how many locals are doing candles. I think you would enjoy Rienzi. Peacefull!! Sounds like a good idea to me Im on yahoo as turnboughchris@yahoo.com
  7. It will be set up so that you can add items as you need to. So if you add new scents or paper towels or whatever.
  8. Hi all, At my day job (Cabinet Shop) I am developing software to track inventory,sales,orders,estimates and such. My wife said to me why dont you do something so we can track our candle sales and invetories. :highfive: (Light went off) I never even thought of it. So what I'm asking is for you guys and gals to do is give me some ideas on what you would want to track and what cool things you would like to see. Once I get it done I will put it up in stages with a free download so you can help me test it out. What do you think.
  9. Ok after the first 20 minutes the flame settled down and is now burning a nice consistant flame about 1/4 high. I think it is still to small because the wax pool is not large enough to burn the entire Jar(Edges not melted). I must also say that this is a new candle and before i started burning i trimmed the wick to 1/4". The hot throw is not the best does anyone know the temps needed for this wax to throw well Hot. (Cold throw is Great)
  10. I am testing some Astrolite Q in 4oz Hex jars with a buttercream scent. I am using a ECO 6 wick. This does not seem to be the right size. My wax pool is a smaller than the container which makes me think i need to wick up. Also my flame spits and sputters and throws of a little soot now and then. Any help would be great. And if you know a better wick combination for this jar and wax please let me know.
  11. How does millcreek throw in J-50 or J-300? What about from alabaster?
  12. I just ordered a sample of AstorliteQ from Lonestar. I had a batch of it before that worked great in 4oz hex jars. Larger containers presented a wicking problem. Also only used a teal dye that did not change colors. I am looking forward to experimenting with it.
  13. Afternoon, Does anyone know where to find a Kudzu F/O. I have found some stuff on E-Bay but I dont trust buying F/O that way. Looking for a good company with quality F/O. Thanks for any help.
  14. Do you have a list of what you wish to sell and a price that you are asking.
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