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2 soap questions


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1) I just made a batch of cp with mica and I made swirls, now my question is, when I use this product since I made orange swirls wont it stain my wash cloth? The mica stained my skin so I just became conserned bout it staining my wash clothes or making my skin orange too.

2) I have 2 batches that can be packaged now but I wanted to shrink wrap them, and got to thinking AGAIN, LOL, that wont it mess with the soap not being able to breath? Just wanted the pros and cons of shrink wrapping.

Boy, I really need to stop thinking of everything that could go wrong.

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1) Most skin contact with dye used for CP soap will stain your skin but once in soap it will not (as long as you didn't add to much). If your bubbles are white and not colored than you should be fine.

2) I am not a fan of shrink wrapping CP soap. My reasons are: soap continually will evaporate water over time and if your soap sits on a shelf for any period of time the shrink wrap will look terrible because the bar will be smaller.

I think that is why a lot of CP soapers either wrap in fabric with a cigar label, box them or leave them naked.


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I'm curious why you'd shrink wrap something you just recently made that hasn't sat out to cure for awhile? And why you would shrink wrap something you haven't personally tried yet? I mean, you would know if you added too much color if you use it, right?

I mean maybe you've made 1,000 batches, but I know you started making soap after me. I've only made four and I don't want to make more till I'm sure that the recipes I'm using are good enough before moving on. And I find that trying those soap cuts like every 2 weeks, something has changed.

I'm only curious. You can tell me to shut up till my fifth batch if you want lol ... oh wait, I have made five. So that would be my sixth batch ;)

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I just had my first to and wanted to know how to wrap them, they are 3 weeks old and I have tested them both and had 2 other people test them for me too, I was not planning on selling now just wanted to store them, and since i started I have made maybe 7 batches, I just made 2 today and 1 yesterday and my space I use to cure them is full and my first are cured now and I wanted to store them in a box but wondered about shrink wrapping them, as with candles I test all my products too, and I mark every detail on the printed lye calc sheet where I printed the recipe, and I tape it to the shelf above the soap with the date made. Just curious bout the mica, they cant be wrapped for weeks, I just made the batch and will test it of course it was just a thought when I seen dye spots on my hands

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So now how did the dye get on your hand? Is it leaking from the soap? Or you didn't add it with your fingers did you? (I did that one too and the black stayed with me for a very long time!) I had that leaking happen from cut soap, so I had to start stirring the powdered dye more and more and more, till Sherie told me about a cool gadget that takes care of it a lot quicker than I could lol.

I wasn't asking about selling. Was just curious why was all.

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So now how did the dye get on your hand? Is it leaking from the soap? Or you didn't add it with your fingers did you? (I did that one too and the black stayed with me for a very long time!) I had that leaking happen from cut soap, so I had to start stirring the powdered dye more and more and more, till Sherie told me about a cool gadget that takes care of it a lot quicker than I could lol.

I wasn't asking about selling. Was just curious why was all.

Okay, so what is this cool gadget that Sherie hasn't told me about yet? LOL!

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Oh it's called a Gizmo. It's a one-beater, rechargeable thing to use. She swore by it so I bought it. Heck she made soap while talking to me once and used it like two quick times, instead of the 30 or so it takes me to get color incorporated lol.

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Mine stopped leaking, but I only had a leak because it wasn't completely blended into the soap, so when cut it bled a little. I simply soaked it up with a paper towel. Now these were personal use anyway, but it never colored my hands and no testers mentioned anything either.

Dang Kerry, that's what it is, but that one has more toys than mine lol.

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Just my two cents worth, but you really can shrink wrap your soaps after an appropriate cure time. Keeps the soap clean, but also helps to hold the scent in. When I shrink wrap my bars, I inevitably get a small hole somewhere on the shrink wrap. Apparently this is enough to allow the soap to continue to cure, but small enough to not have to worry about it. Also, it allows you to smell the soap...it does come through that little hole. Heck, if the bars shrink that much, it's really no big deal to just zap them with the heat gun again, plus they usually don't shrink that much.

I have a bar of soap that is approx. 2 years old...scented with lavender EO...just unwrapped the other day and the scent is not only still there, but is strong! Guess I just love the shrink wrap :D . Ok, will get off my soapbox now, lol!

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