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Im so excited! I can create my own site.!!

bella soy

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I cant believe that I was about to pay someone 750.00 to create a website for me. I registered my domain with Yahoo! I was on there the other day and decided to let them go ahead and host it as well. I went back on there tonight and was playing around and I downloaded this tool that lets you creat your own site. And the best part yet is that you dont have to know HTML!!! It's just like working in Word or something like that. :yay:

I know now Im not going to be able to get away from my computer! Hubby is gonna get mad now boy...lol :rolleyes2

All I need now is some good pics and some graphics.

Does anyone know where I can get some free graphics??

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I have another question....is it illegal to go to google and search for images to put on my site? I dont know how else to get pics for my scents other than taking them myself??

I started to save some pictures but dont want to publish them to the site if Im going to get into trouble for doing so....

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The difference with paying someone 750 and someone zero is how professional it's going to look. The really really good designers do charge zero but I can suggest someone who can make you one for like 250. She knows what she's doing, but since she doesn't do it for a living won't charge an arm and a leg.

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The difference with paying someone 750 and someone zero is how professional it's going to look. The really really good designers do charge zero but I can suggest someone who can make you one for like 250. She knows what she's doing, but since she doesn't do it for a living won't charge an arm and a leg.

So she only charges an arm, so it's not as painful LOL :laugh2:

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Taking someones pictures with out their permission is a NO NO big time.

There are places out there that you can get picture from but you will have to register and at least sign up for one month.

This is one I have had experiance with http://www.clipart.com/en/ I actually e-mailed them and asked if I would be able to use the pictures for differant things and they say yes up to 100,000 copies but after that I would have to pay for an additional charge for the rights to use the pictures.

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I have another question....is it illegal to go to google and search for images to put on my site? I dont know how else to get pics for my scents other than taking them myself??

I started to save some pictures but dont want to publish them to the site if Im going to get into trouble for doing so....

Basically...yes. Just about every image you will find doing image searches are copyright protected.

You must use images that are in the public domain, or better yet, do your own or have someone design them for you. There are also sites that you can buy images from, but you still need to check to be sure that that purchase allows you commercial use. That's the stickler.

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Taking someones pictures with out their permission is a NO NO big time.

There are places out there that you can get picture from but you will have to register and at least sign up for one month.

This is one I have had experiance with http://www.clipart.com/en/ I actually e-mailed them and asked if I would be able to use the pictures for differant things and they say yes up to 100,000 copies but after that I would have to pay for an additional charge for the rights to use the pictures.

I went to this site, I tried to read the terms and conditions on it and I couldnt really find anything. If I sign up for three months does that mean i can get unlimited pictures to save to my computer and then use them for whatever I want?

I dont understand what "use pictures for different things means" and " up to 100,000 copies" Sorry If i sound really stupid here.

If im understanding correctly, I can use these pics that I download from this site for whatever I want i.e. brochures business cards etc. correct?

Do I need to link back to them as well?

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Wow $750? Hope they are darn good! While I have had quite a few go to that price it was because they had me doing 25 or more pages on their site so they were paying hourly.

Any image you find on google is copyrighted by the website's owner.

As for ClipArt.com, by paying the fee, you are given the right to use the photos/clipart as you need. You just don't have exclusive rights to them so others can use them as well.

Hope that helps!

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You might try diy stores through primmart.com all of their sites are good and they have new stores every week and I think their prices are very reasonable. How your store looks is very important to your sales. I would suggest someone helping with that, also at diy they have their own primitive sites which alot of prim lovers come to to spend their money and you get put in their directory, of course you have to have primtive products. Good Luck!

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I went to this site, I tried to read the terms and conditions on it and I couldnt really find anything. If I sign up for three months does that mean i can get unlimited pictures to save to my computer and then use them for whatever I want?

I dont understand what "use pictures for different things means" and " up to 100,000 copies" Sorry If i sound really stupid here.

If im understanding correctly, I can use these pics that I download from this site for whatever I want i.e. brochures business cards etc. correct?

Do I need to link back to them as well?

Yes you can use the picture for just about anything but here is the but if you sell anything with any of those images you are limited to how many times you can reproduce that image.

Say you find a really cool flower and want to use it in your logo on your business cards and brochures you would have unlimited use but any that you put on a product to sell such as candle or soap you could only use it 100,000 times before you where suppose to pay additional copywrite fees.

I asked because I wanted some wildlife pictures to put on hurricanes that I was selling. I didn't want someone to come back on me and say I was using their picture with out permission.

Places like that have already bought the rights to use the pictures and by signing up you are basicly renting the rights to use the pictures.

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Thanks guys!

Vicky how in the H*ll am I suppose to keep track of all this??...lol

I mean your talking about counting every piece of paper out and keeping a log. Do you really think that they will know how many copies I made of a certain pic???

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  • 1 month later...
Thanks guys!

Vicky how in the H*ll am I suppose to keep track of all this??...lol

I mean your talking about counting every piece of paper out and keeping a log. Do you really think that they will know how many copies I made of a certain pic???

Bella......my opinion, and remember you're not paying for it, so it may be worth exactly that much,----you're "small potatoes" ....the owner of an image isn't likely to haul you into court for use! I would and have used others images, and will gladly cease to do so when they ask me to!! Not likely they will attempt anything without first requesting you to cease!

So far, none have asked me to!!

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:shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:

bella soy: Despite what others may tell you, stealing images is just that, *stealing*!!! It's the same as if someone came in and robbed you of your inventory. Graphic artists & photographers deserve to feed their families with their hard work just as much as you do with the work you put into making your products.

Here's a thought...if you see an image you want to use, just contact the artist and ask for permission to use it. Many of us are willing to allow for use of our work. Some may let you use it for free, or with a small fee, or with a few conditions of use (I ask people to give me credit for my art/articles when they use them)

And Bilbar25: Don't think "small potatoes" won't be taken to court over stealing. The cease & desist letter is the first step, but that doesn't mean it ends there, or that you won't be liable for damages & back royalties.

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I cant believe that I was about to pay someone 750.00 to create a website for me. I registered my domain with Yahoo! I was on there the other day and decided to let them go ahead and host it as well. I went back on there tonight and was playing around and I downloaded this tool that lets you creat your own site. And the best part yet is that you dont have to know HTML!!! It's just like working in Word or something like that. :yay:

I know now Im not going to be able to get away from my computer! Hubby is gonna get mad now boy...lol :rolleyes2

All I need now is some good pics and some graphics.

Does anyone know where I can get some free graphics??

YES- I have a site for you!!!!!!!


They recently added a section that you need to pay for... so sadly, some of the really good ones are being moved there. Some of the pictures require you to only notify the artist that you are using it, a few say that they must be given credit... but the majority have no requirements.

Also- check out Istock. Yes, you have to pay... but sometimes for that perfect graphic you should spend the $1.00 for it. There are a lot of other sites out there that you can purchase stock pics, but really read the fine print about how much it costs.

As for googling and taking someones pic.... I wouldn't do it for the more reasons than just the obvious "illegal" point. NOW- I have used google to get ideas of what it out there... and then that guided my search on the stock pic sites.

Hope this helps...

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always make sure you have the picture owner's permission to use their graphics. the idea of waiting to get caught is wrong...imagine taking pics of your candles and putting them on your website. later down the road you do a search and someone else is using your pictures...not cool is it?

this is a site with a lot of graphics. some are free, others are marked clearly what the cost to use is. some are very reasonable.


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My suggestion is to just find a set of images you really like by doing a search and pay for them..I have seen HUNDREDS of prim/country images on disk sets for like $40..

and yes taking without authorization is 'STEALING' period..I would take someone to court if they 'took' my stuff..because I can prove it is mine..I use my own stuff it is in my computer and dated..came from my camera etc etc. ..and they would be paying the court costs

I don't think you want copyright theft added to your business reputation.:D

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