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How do I get wax out of my clothes!! AAAAHH!

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I know you all are laughing because this must of happened to you as well.I just got my clothes from laundry and I was making candles and boom! Wax down the leg! I try to scrape it off but that makes it worse. I even took my pants off and put it over the flame of the stove to melt it off but them I burnt a hole in my jeans!!!


So any advice? Besides doing the sensible thing and were an old shirt and pants?



Bklyn, NYC.

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Been there, done that. First....Stay away from an open flame!!

Scrape off as much wax as you can, then put several layers of paper towels over the stain (I think a brown paper bag works too.) and keep ironing over it. The paper towels will absorb the heated wax. Then throw it in the wash. It usually takes a few washing to really get the stain out.

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I have very few clothes that don't have wax or paint (I paint, too) on them. I made the mistake of pouring just one candle with a new cordoroy shirt on, dark green. I scraped off all the wax I could see, then used DeSolvit on the greasy spot. After it was washed, there was no sign of any wax or oil spot. I swear by this stuff, wouldn't be without it.

Pam R

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I think all my clothes have wax stains on them too. I have a pair of suede lace up boots and some wax dribbled on the toe, and it looked like blood and I didn't even notice it, but boy did other people. I kept getting stopped by people in walmart telling me I was bleeding. :laugh2:

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As I read your post I thought of the first time I got wax on something worse than that my clothes...in my washer!!! So take heart....clothes can be washed, ironed and other things...I did manage to get the wax out...after hours of scraping and about standing on my head in order to get in the inside of the washer...;)

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