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judging your own candles

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does anyone else feel your candles are just not good enough? Im not sure how to put this ito words.. they burn great, people rave about them, they say they are very strong, but to me they seem lacking.. when I test them they seem ot very strong to me, I always worry the flame is not perfect enough. I walk into a room where one is burning and it seems not right, but someone else will walk in the room and love the smell. Does anyone else always feel like they cant get perfect enough?

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If you are selling them and get raves and no complaints then you must be doing something right. I wouldn't worry till someone complained. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be lax on your testing, spot test your tested scents every now and then to make sure they are still up to par.

I have found the need to re-test scents that have been sitting on the shelf for awhile. Candles that are 6 months old or older sometimes change.

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I wonder sometimes too. I think we are just pre-programed to do that. If your products are selling then you must be doing something right. Just keep the testing going to catch any problems and keep trying to improve. I've purchased other candles before just to check their product out. Sometimes I know mine are better...other times I like theirs. Variety is the spice of life.


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We are our own worst critics. We need to trust others to gauge how our candles smell, due to candle nose. However, the truest gauge is if they continue to buy our candles. People won't spend money on your stuff just cause they like you, you have to offer a product that smells good, and is a reasonable price.


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Oh, do I know how you feel!! :P We have been testing this one container wax for MONTHS - changing the jar, changing the wick, etc. We looked at our last jar and it had a "touch" of soot on the very edge after many many burns with no soot at all. It happened on the very last burn. We both thought "Well, that's not going to work, no way no how". I mean, just how darn "perfect" does it have to be before we are happy??? LOL We finally decided that a "light touch of soot" after the last burn would be OK - but you know what, we are not going to be happy with that...I just know it! LOL

Our testers love them, saying they look great, smell great, burn great, etc., but still, WE WANT MORE FROM THEM!!!:grin2:

Oh, yes...I think I know the feeling. ;)

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I agree. I am more concerned about the ones that DONT worry about their products being better than what they are......It is the same with every product and every business. Attention to detail and continually trying to improve speaks volumes about who you are. Kudos to you!

Well put Michael. :)

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