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how much do you sell candles for?

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I don't know what part of the country you are in to help you with suppliers that may be close to you but here are 2 links of suppliers by state http://www.candleandsoapstuff.com/Suppliers_by_State.html


There are a lot of suppliers that sell wick sample packs. Most I have bought from come 5 to the pack and in every size in that type. That way this gives you a large slection to test.

HTH - Candle Man

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ok ya'll thanks for the advice, i did see the cotton wicks i wanted on moonglow, but the shipping cost more than the wicks do, so i'm definitely not getting them from there. i guess i will try the lx series wicks, and i'll get the 14-16-18 size like someone suggested. i just found out that there is a craft store about an hour away from me, so i'm going to go there tomorrow to see if they have the wicks i want. and i will take all your advice and not sell anymore candles, i didnt intend to sell the candles i took to work with me anyways, its just that some people wouldnt take no for an answer, and i told them they could just have them and let me know what they thought, but they insisted on paying me, so i think what i'll do in return is maybe for everyone who bought if they want another one i'll give them a free one with their order! but like i said before they burned much better when i trimmed the wick shorter, it took longer for the mushroom to build up and it wasn't as bad as before.....ok now i have one more question.....i have 31 candles here already made.....what should i do with them?? is it possible to melt them and repour them with new tins and wicks? cuz i really dont want to sell them like that. but i dont want them to go to waste either! any advice would be greatly appreciated.....oh yeah one more questions......do candles have to have warning labels on them to sell them???? I didnt put warning labels on them but i made my own labels to put the scent on and said to keep wick trimmed to 1/4" for best results, and to put on heat resistant surfaces and to keep away from pets & children, is that good enought or do i need an actual warning label. I got that idea from my MIL she buys candles from someone and their label for the candle name she put something like that on there, so i figured that would be easier to do than making my labels then getting other warning labels to put on too. well my 6 month old is wanting attention so i better get off here.

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well they are the ones who wanted to buy from me even tho they knew my wicks weren't ready!!

It is hard to resist selling before one is ready to sell, I went through that last Christmas myself. I had two candles tested and ready to give as gifts when mrs geek quit one of her jobs, and all her coworkers went bonkers and wanted to buy some! I wasn't ready to sell, but took some orders and allowed six weeks to test them before delivery. Fortunately, I got them tested and working fine, but that was alot of pressure and late nights!

The problem we have is that people we think are our "friends" will turn on you in a heartbeat if a candle you sell them malfunctions and causes a fire! You say they wouldn't sue you, but can you really take that chance? Even if the candles burn safely, do you want to sell a candle you know is not working exactly the way you want it to?

I am the worst decision maker! I have tested more wax mixtures I can count on my hands and feet, and yet still can't decide which one works the best, soots the least, and causes little mushrooming. I will not sell a candle till I know I have done my best, but by golly when I get it figured out, I'll have testers waiting to "run them through the wringer" and get some real world use, to see if they hold up under some abuse.

Long story short, from one noob to another, don't let your so-called friends pressure you to sell before you are ready and confident in your product.

I think you will be a great chandler, just don't succumb to the pressure to sell early.

However, we reserve the right to chew you up and spit you out later when it is merited ;)


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ok ya'll thanks for the advice, i did see the cotton wicks i wanted on moonglow, but the shipping cost more than the wicks do, so i'm definitely not getting them from there. i guess i will try the lx series wicks, and i'll get the 14-16-18 size like someone suggested. i just found out that there is a craft store about an hour away from me, so i'm going to go there tomorrow to see if they have the wicks i want. and i will take all your advice and not sell anymore candles, i didnt intend to sell the candles i took to work with me anyways, its just that some people wouldnt take no for an answer, and i told them they could just have them and let me know what they thought, but they insisted on paying me, so i think what i'll do in return is maybe for everyone who bought if they want another one i'll give them a free one with their order! but like i said before they burned much better when i trimmed the wick shorter, it took longer for the mushroom to build up and it wasn't as bad as before.....ok now i have one more question.....i have 31 candles here already made.....what should i do with them?? is it possible to melt them and repour them with new tins and wicks? cuz i really dont want to sell them like that. but i dont want them to go to waste either! any advice would be greatly appreciated.....oh yeah one more questions......do candles have to have warning labels on them to sell them???? I didn't put warning labels on them but i made my own labels to put the scent on and said to keep wick trimmed to 1/4" for best results, and to put on heat resistant surfaces and to keep away from pets & children, is that good enought or do i need an actual warning label. I got that idea from my MIL she buys candles from someone and their label for the candle name she put something like that on there, so i figured that would be easier to do than making my labels then getting other warning labels to put on too. well my 6 month old is wanting attention so i better get off here.
ok buy the warning labels from peaks there are great and room to Wright the fo name,and all the candles you have pull the wicks out if you can. and when you get the sample pack put the new wicks in them and take notes,if you cant pull the wicks out put them in the oven set to warm until the wax melts then pull the wicks out and put in sample wicks,and take notes and test, test ,test,don't worry you will get it right.
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wow....drama!! anyways...so are ya'll saying that you could be sued if you're not using warning labels?? so does the warning labels completely protect you from being sued? just curious....i got into this one!

Technically you can be sued for anything...whether the customer breaks the jar and cuts their finger, or burns their house down...or in fact if your candle is faulty. It is sad to say, but there are still frivilous(sp) lawsuits out there and more and more juries are believing the plantiff.

It only makes sense to apply a warning label, at least if you have one applied it will look much better on you if you ever have to go to court. That is why you see everyone say test test test...and test in a fashion that you believe the customer will use your candle...marathon burns, not clipping the wick...etc.

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...i didnt intend to sell the candles i took to work with me anyways, its just that some people wouldnt take no for an answer, and i told them they could just have them and let me know what they thought, but they insisted on paying me, so i think what i'll do in return is maybe for everyone who bought if they want another one i'll give them a free one with their order!
I totally agree with Geek about friends. There are work friends, and friends at work, but still gotta CYA. :smiley2:

Since those same people are still going to want something... I had a sorta similar situation with people wanting candles. So, I whipped up a one page newsletter explaining why (a few summarized paragraphs) it takes time to make a quality candle, some terminology, and other stuff. It keeps them at bay for the most part these days.

Hopefully. If I have a break-in with only candles missing, I'll know it wasn't enough. Sometimes I wonder about the psychology involved regarding people and candles. Eyes quickly light up! I'm rambling... my train stop is here...

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