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Okay, got a request from someone who sells cat toys, etc.... she thought it would be cool to have a "catnip" scented candle they can sell with their other kitty stuff! Anyone know what catnip smells like, and what FO I could use (or mix) to get close? She says it's a minty smell.... Any ideas???

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Catnip sorta smells minty. I don't know about all cats but mine are really attracted to anything that smells like catnip. Including the catnip seeds. They will tear open packages and try to eat anything that smells like it. I am thinking that a candle that smells like catnip might be dangerous around cats. I couldn't have one around mine. A cat plus a flame plus a scent that attracts them??? Doesn't sound too safe to me. That's just my opinion and my experience with my cats.

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wouldn't be safe around mine either! you could buy catnip eo (very expensive) and put it in a spray base. i was going to get some for my cats & horses. the cats to play with and a fly spray for the horses. catnip is from what i've read 10x stronger then deet for keeping mosquitoes & other bugs away. if you find a catnip fo please let us know.

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Your welcome! Not all cats are attracted to catnip but for the ones that are like mine it could be a problem. Some cats just like the smell of catnip. Others just want to roll around on the leaves and then there are my cats that will actually eat the entire plant. I once made some catnip tea and they went wild!!! I am glad that you are going to point out the possibilty of a problem to the person that was interested in the candle.

I have seen a EO blend that includes catnip with other oils to help keep mosquitos away. Be careful when using anything with EO's if it is intended for use on pets. Some that were once thought safe for use around pets have now been discovered to be dangerous. Especially for cats. Of course I don't think that is the case with catnip but it might be if it is part of a blend with other oils.

What about a candle(not catnip scented) made in a mold that looks like a cat? I've seen those some place but I can't remember where.

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LOL when I was younger my dh had a friend that smoked marijuana, and lets say he got the stuff that was not of high caliber. Well one night he spent the night at our house and our cat ate his bag...not the bag itself but its contents...well after some investigating we found that his stuff smelt an awful lot like the box of catnip that we had to hide from our kitty.

The funny thing now is I ordered some Marijuana scent from CandleChem and it reminds me of how the catnip smelled.

Though the way my cat used to devour catnip I wouldn't recommend producing a candle that would attract cats.

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Heather, that story is hilarious... Do you like the smell of the CandleChem MJ? I have two different MJ FO's, but haven't found one that is quite "right". (okay, disclaimer here... I remember the smell from WAY back, when my brother smoked pot in his room... allegedly...:wink2: )

I'm going to try to convince this gal to go with a lavender/chamomile blend and call it "cat nap" instead... we'll see!

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Heather, that story is hilarious... Do you like the smell of the CandleChem MJ? I have two different MJ FO's, but haven't found one that is quite "right". (okay, disclaimer here... I remember the smell from WAY back, when my brother smoked pot in his room... allegedly...:wink2: )

I'm going to try to convince this gal to go with a lavender/chamomile blend and call it "cat nap" instead... we'll see!

Not so far I haven't found any MJ FO's that are close...I still have to order Peak's which I am told is the closest. My dh thinks we will probably have to get a few mix them and add some fresh dirt FO to get the right smell...so I guess in order to get the right scent we are going to be chemists also...LOL

We live in MI and they have a hash bash every year at one of the Universities...I want to get the scent right so I can get a booth and make some $$ off the pot heads that go there every year.

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