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Something I've been working on-test burn pics in the last post

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Your candle is very pretty even if it isn't what you were going for. I have yet to try that mold. I want to. I like the way you have it displayed with the stones. Big Sis Donita

Thanks big Sister,

hugs from italy!

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Very nice candles. I love the rock display on the first one and the 2nd one looks great.

:yay: Thank you!!

I had to try 4 times before having a decent candle with this zig-zag mold, and I got some frost on the blue:rolleyes2

Glad you like them!

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I have that zig zag mold! I love it, and it's a very popular seller for me. Trying to get both sides level and the same height is somewhat of a challenge, but it sure is fun, the color combo's you can come up with!!

I also have the yin-yang mold. Love that one too. :)

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I have that zig zag mold! I love it, and it's a very popular seller for me. Trying to get both sides level and the same height is somewhat of a challenge, but it sure is fun, the color combo's you can come up with!!

I also have the yin-yang mold. Love that one too. :)

Is it a big seller? mmmmm I have to show this candle to someone!

I wanted also the yng yang mold but I had suc a hard time with this that I don't know what to do!

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Sabrina, they both look lovely and the fluted looks great non-rustic, a really nice finish. Look forward to seeing them for myself in July. Mozz

Hello Mozzie,

thanks you're kind as always. you will find them here.. if they don't melt in the hot sun of july! (or if I sell them..:rolleyes2 )


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I got the mold form candlechem, but Pourette carries it also.

Jcandleattic, could you explain what you mean when you say that this candle burns in all its diameter? they are actually two candles, sorry I don't understand. Anyway, I'm going to start the test burn.


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Here is the first test burn.

Two thing I have to say:

the candles are not scented

the wick is 24 ply FB.

The first two pics are after a 30 minutes burn. The white candle is burning a little faster than the blue.



Here after 1 hour



Any suggestions?

I have to try using scent, but from what I see I think I could wick down a bit.

I had to stop to burn because the white part was melting on the outer edge.

Thanks for looking.

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I got the mold form candlechem, but Pourette carries it also.

Jcandleattic, could you explain what you mean when you say that this candle burns in all its diameter? they are actually two candles, sorry I don't understand. Anyway, I'm going to start the test burn.


Yeah, 2 candles. But I burn mine together like a 2 wick candle. Once the mp comes together, they kind of meld together. I wish I had a pic of what mine looks like burning. What I mean by the "consume the whole diameter" is it burns to the edge of the diameter, leaves a very thin shell, like maybe 1/8 to 1/4 inch shell that will completely turn in and consume itself. (I hope that makes sense) It gets to there after about 4 hours of burning. I have done several marathon burn tests though because once it gets to that point it almost looks like it's going to spill over but I have burned about 4 of them at a marathon rate (over 8 hours at a time) and have never had a spill over or a blow out. :)

Hope this all makes sense. Oh and when I sell them to people I explain that even though they are in essence 2 candles, to burn them together as one to get the best results. I've not had any luck at all burning them seperately. :)

HTH a little for how I do mine. :)

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Here is the first test burn.

Two thing I have to say:

the candles are not scented

the wick is 24 ply FB.

The first two pics are after a 30 minutes burn. The white candle is burning a little faster than the blue.



Here after 1 hour



Any suggestions?

I have to try using scent, but from what I see I think I could wick down a bit.

I had to stop to burn because the white part was melting on the outer edge.

Thanks for looking.

If you are going to burn them seperately, then I would say yes, you probably need to wick down each one. The white one is probably burning faster because it has no dye and the little bit of dye in the blue one may be slowing that burn down a little bit.

I use a 24fb on mine too, but like I said in an earlier post, I burn mine together, because when trying to burn them seperately they always spilled over, but I didn't

really think an 18fb would work, (and don't have any 20fb) so I gave up and put them together. Never have had a problem since. :)


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