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I am a long time browser and actually posted a few times years ago. But I was never able to make the investment to start candle making. Still don't have the investment to make. Anyway, the reason for this post:

I recently got married and in one of my gifts I was given an Orange Clove sachet from Kirkland's and I LOVE it. I want my whole house to smell like it. Unfortunatly, I don't have the money to spend on a bunch of packets, and I think I can make something similar without spending so much money. What could I do (besides candles) that would make my house smell so wonderful? Where should I get the fragrance from?

On the back of the packet it says to put is scent in my vacuum cleaner bag to distribute it throughout the house. How would I make something like this on my own? Also they say to add the contents to a simmering pot. What is a simmering pot? How do they work? And again can I make something similar?

Thanks in advance for your help and sorry if this is not posted in the correct place.



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You could buy a few ounces of Orange Clove fragrance oil (someone here might be able to sell some to you or try a good supplier. I like Just Scent www.justscent.com )

Then use the fragrance oil in a simmer pot (mix with water and keep water in the pot so oil doesn't get too hot. Do not put oil directly in the pot. Fire will ensue. Or mix fragrance oil with DPG - can get that at Bittercreek. Don't need water if cut with DPG. But water is free, lol)

Buy some aroma beads or corn cob and make your own sachets with the fragrance oil. Corn cob is cheaper and can be found at wal-mart. I think you can put fragranced corn cob in your vac. bag. Check on that though, lol. I have a bagless one and haven't tried it. :)

Put fragrance oil in lamp ring.

Mix fragrance oil with cornstarch (I think, check on this) and use as carpet freshener. Sprinkle down then vaccuum up. I know that there were recipes for this on www.candlecauldron.com message board :)

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Thanks for all your help and welcomes.

AngelaVA I checked with the candle cauldron and they say to use Baking Soda or 20 Mule Team Borax. I'm going to make some as soon as I can get some of the fragrance oil.

You also mentioned corn cob sachets. How do I make those?

Thanks again,


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I use aroma beads, not corn cob, so try a search and on candle cauldron to get more (possibly better) information, lol :)

Basically, you add FO to the corn cob bedding stuff (I think this is like what you put under a hamster cage). Shake really good and let the cob absorb all the FO - keep in a tightly covered container while absorbing. Then put it in a sachet bag (also available at Wal-Mart in the craft/wedding section). Or put in your vac. bag

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