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stay organized????:rolleyes2

labels, jars, oils, colors, supplies,butter, boxes OH MY!!!! I am just having a hard time staying organized and I hate it. I try real hard however my storage / office closet is upstairs...downstairs is my kitchen and I have taken over a little storage area down here also, however seiously looks like a tornado hit both. I wanna organize tonight since DH & DS are gone for the night WHOOO HOOO:yay:

I definatly need more shelving... :wink2:

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I'm scrambling too! Course it's all my own fault, cause I'm so excited by all this I've tried everything in the past week - lip balm, solid lotion and bath bombs - and since I've no idea what I"m doing (yet?) I've got a ton of different ingredients to try, and more on the way.

then there are the drying bath bombs (counter tops, oven, top of the fridge), stuff waiting to be tried, and stuff that didn't work that I cannot bear to throw away. And all the FOs... and I don't like to lie the liquid oils on their sides.... quite a mess....

Hopefully I'll get it all straightened out once I have my recipes perfected. Then I can sort into stuff I use and "other" which I plan to box up and maybe get rid of. and it would be nice to be able to unload some of the finished goods when they are ready....

Until then, I bought a set of wire shelves from Ikea.... And there's ALWAYS room for more in the basement....

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The secret? Shelves, shelves shelves!! And boxes, boxes, boxes!! I have one set of shelves for B&B containers. I have tons of empty candle jar boxes, so I can organize the smaller items in those and label both ends clearly with black marker so either way I jam it back in, I can read it. LOL

Then I have a huge closed cabinet for my soaping fo's and my misc. B&B raw materials. One shelf has the citric acid, e-wax, herbs & botanicals, clays, etc. Another closed cabinet stores all my candlemaking fo's arranged by supplier, then alphabetically. Makes it easy to see what I need to order at a glance. And because the cabinets close, they are protected from excess light. :)

Again, I use my empty candle jar boxes with dividers to help out. My candle colors are stored in those, organized by the colors of the rainbow. Pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, browns, then black.

One corner of my workshop has stacks of boxes containing jars and lids. My candle worktable has wicks underneath for easy access. My soap worktable has shelves underneath to store molds and stickblenders, then oils go under that. Small shelves above/behind my worktable have my colorants, mica, lye, goggles, etc.

I love my workshop and try to keep it organized, though sometimes during a busy time that's a real challenge! LOL

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I LOVE those platic drawers you get at the dollar store..Dollar General sells them cheaper than walmart. I use the little ones for labels and tags and twist ties and such..and the bigger ones for ribbon, cello bags, supplies etc.

Shelves, Shelves & some more shelves.. with baskets to keep everything together. ie; bath & body on one shelf in baskets..dry ingredients in one, liquids in another, MP soap in another, molds in another..you get the idea. I use a rubbmaid tub for my wax..when I get it in the big ole 55 # box. I chop it all up and put it in there in a garbage bag so I is ready to go in a pinch and I can pitch the beat up box it is sent in..also keeps it clean.

My workroom is in my wash room which is 1/4 of the basement so I hang stuff from the rafters to. bags with bubble wrap or packing peanuts etc., baskets with handles, etc etc.

I LOVE to orgainze stuff and my room is almost always clean and neat..putting stuff back where you get it is most of the work. :wink2:

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GREAT question! I'm in the middle of organizing and its painful. I have a year's worth of stuff to find places for. I had a place for all my candle stuff.... then I got into B&B and I have 5x the supplies I do for candles. My stuff is literally ALL over the house in this cupboard or that closet or bin. I'm big on clear bins w/ tops to keep things clean and in view. I must have over a hundred between my kids toys and my craft items (the big 55 qt ones at that). That's my goal this summer to get everything in its place... my DH so kindly built an a/c'd room in the garage (more for storage than anything else), then I have an office and a medium size laundry room that I pour and make soaps in to get organized. Can't way to read more ideas :yes: !!

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What?????????? We are supposed to be organized??? EEEEEEk

I know how you feel :shocked2:. Well, can't be PERFECT now can we? Besides, isn't it fun to find stuff when you clean up? Like finding money in your coat pocket from last year.

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