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I got an email from a customer this morning stating that she hadn't received her package but I shipped it May 4th and got Delivery Confirmation that it was accepted on May 6th at the address she gave me. It was insured but can she claim a package was lost if I have Delivery Confirmation that it was accepted at her address??

Just wondering if this person was trying to scam me. I've never had this happen before.

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If you have a delivery confirmation, I would give her that information. Is it a signiture confirmation? If so, there's no denying it. If it was left on her porch, it sould have been taken. I would maybe call her and get a feel of her voice and language. ((I used to know someone who would scam people in this manner)) Good luck.

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No, it wasn't Signature Confirmation ~ just regular Delivery Confirmation. I emailed her back with all the information I had but so far I haven't heard back from her. I emailed her the day I shipped it (May 4th) to let her know it was on the way and she only lives 60 miles from me. You would think she would have gotten in touch with me before now instead of waiting almost three weeks to let me know she hadn't received it. This is a new customer ~ her first order ~ so I don't know anything about her.

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I would just email her what you have on file and tell her that it was delivered on such and such day to the address she specified. Tell her you are sorry and check with the neighbors - maybe they picked it up for her because it was raining or something.

IMO - if it shows delivered, it's been delivered.

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OMG I can so relate to your situation right now. :shocked2:

I sent someone a package thru Fed Ex the end of last month. The site says it was delivered. But the recipent say's it wasn't. Being that I just found out about this last week- it is hard to get a driver to remember whether he left a package or not. I would have never know this package was not delivered, since *I* contacted this person and they said it never was delivered. I never had this issue before with any shipment and I was very upset about it.

Needless to say- I am not too happy. I will reship this package out to the person that was supposed to get it to save face and keep it smooth and professional. But I will NEVER send a thing thru any shipping carrier besides USPS without signature confirmation. Lesson learned- and it will be an expensive one.

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IMO - if it shows delivered, it's been delivered.

If this only could be true. :wink2:

My package said it was delivered. On the website - and it was delivered according to Fedex. Unfortunately if there is no signature at the time of delivery- there is a still a gray area.

I know this sucks- believe me. But this is what I was told.

I shared my story so others could be wary-- even if this is an isolated incident.

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i must say it is possible she never got it. one time i was waiting on a order and when i checked there site it said it had been delivered. at a time when i was home.i do not no ware they left it but it was not my house.of course the delivery guy said he did. but it was the only order i have ever had this happen to. but it took a extra week to get my order. witch the company did reship it. but i was thinking the hole time they probably think i was lying about it. but it does happen.why some one would wait so long to tell you is odd.

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This is the email I received from her after I sent her all of my delivery confirmation information:

Thanks Steph,

I will check the UPS office they didn't send them to my address.


Guess we'll see. :undecided

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I have to disagree that if it says delivered it is delivered. I ordered from one of my regular suppliers just over a week ago (she's about an hours drive away) It was shipped in 2 boxes and I got the second box today (it was shipped yesterday) the first box was shipped last Friday. She checked the tracking today and apparently the first box was delivered on Tuesday and REGO signed for it. Who's REGO!? I dont know but he sure doesnt live here. So now im waiting to see what happens next, but I really wanted that shipment for my show this weekend!

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That happened to me once. I ordered a CD from ebay and never received it. After a few weeks had gone by, I contacted the seller. She/he sent me the tracking report which showed it was delivered. That sucked. I gave the seller a positive rating and choked it up as a lost. It wasn't the seller's fault but that didn't change the fact that I had paid for something I didn't receive. I'm sure some of you have experienced this with suppliers and it is a sucky feeling.

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Just ahppened to me 2 weeks ago, 1 of 2 was delivered to a cusomter last week and she called abou tthe other, and here the other was deliverred to someone else. Fedex got it back though. 3 weeks is a while to wait if she knew it was shipped, If you have insurance ion it, I say file a claim. Maybe it was stolen off her porch. My old maillday, says she would deliver packages once a week to my neighbor and 1 out of 4 she would claim she didn't get, even though she did.

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