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What's up with C&S AND SHIPPING?

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I do agree that things are sometimes out of stock at companies,Sometimes the grocery store is out of stock also. I don't understand why you guys don't understand that things do run out and that I would imagine it is hard for any company to know just how much of certain items people are gonna order. It would be impossible. I have receive calls from C&S that certain things were out of stock and they did give me the option to either go ahead and ship my order or hold and ship complete. I'm having a hard time believing if I get called that other people don't receive calls. I do know that some items do say out of stock on the website sometimes and that I am sure that they can't update every item every few minutes.I am not sure if you guys are not closely looking to see if it says out of stock or not. I see it and If I get a call or they leave a message, I make sure to call back right away to let them know. If they were to hold your orders to long because they can't reach you then you would be un-happy about that also.I can't imagine that a company can run a business if they had to call customer's on every single item ordered.I have ordered from clothing companies online and get my order and it say certain items were out and on backorder. I find it hard to believe that you guys don't get this kind of service and I do. Give them a chance because I'm telling you that it isn't as bad as you guys are making them out to be.

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I have receive calls from C&S that certain things were out of stock and they did give me the option to either go ahead and ship my order or hold and ship complete. I'm having a hard time believing if I get called that other people don't receive calls.

Huh, that's funny, because not only was I not informed when something was out of stock, I was also charged for the item as well. When I called to tell them I was charged for an item I never received they then told me it was out of stock. This is not the only problem I've had with this company which is why I stopped using them 3 years ago. I'm sure if we all got the fantastic service you did, none of us would be complaining. Even a broken watch is right twice a day, so I imagine that even they can get it right once in awhile. I also had an issue with them sending me the wrong scent that took months to get straightened out. They kept trying to convince me that Red Currant should smell like Cinnamon. I suggested to them that maybe the Red Hot Cinnamon and Red Currant got mixed up but they kept insisting that Red Currant should smell like Cinnamon. By the time I finally talked to Cindy and got it all straightened out, I didn't feel it was worth it to do business with them anymore.

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Huh, that's funny, because not only was I not informed when something was out of stock, I was also charged for the item as well. When I called to tell them I was charged for an item I never received they then told me it was out of stock. This is not the only problem I've had with this company which is why I stopped using them 3 years ago. I'm sure if we all got the fantastic service you did, none of us would be complaining. Even a broken watch is right twice a day, so I imagine that even they can get it right once in awhile. I also had an issue with them sending me the wrong scent that took months to get straightened out. They kept trying to convince me that Red Currant should smell like Cinnamon. I suggested to them that maybe the Red Hot Cinnamon and Red Currant got mixed up but they kept insisting that Red Currant should smell like Cinnamon. By the time I finally talked to Cindy and got it all straightened out, I didn't feel it was worth it to do business with them anymore.

I understand that things do get mixed up. Maybe if you were to send them a sample or the bottle to smell right away it would be alot quicker for them to determine if it was right or wrong. I think if people work together to take care of an issue then it get's straightened out quicker. I think you guys have a right to what you ordered and payed for. But, I think that if you would work with them you would indeed get the service I do. I don't expect them to know exactly what I'm seeing or smelling over a phone or e-mail. I am just saying that I think some of this stuff people are saying is being made a bigger deal that it should be. Most of the time I feel that usually there is 2 sides to ever story.

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I also think that they would have so many order's held up if they had to call customers for every single item out of stock. I know when my customers order candles sometimes I am out of stock on the certain scent or jar they order. I just do my best to get it here as quick as possible.

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But, I think that if you would work with them you would indeed get the service I do.

I did work with them (for months!) that's why it finally got straightened out. And I did send them the bottle. I didn't write the whole story of how I worked with them because it's too long. I think it's great for you that you have such a good experience with them but maybe you're just fortunate (or you know someone that works there). But for me, whenever there was something wrong with my order, they weren't good at correcting the problem and that is why I stopped using them.

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I also think that they would have so many order's held up if they had to call customers for every single item out of stock. I know when my customers order candles sometimes I am out of stock on the certain scent or jar they order. I just do my best to get it here as quick as possible.
If they don't have the time to inform customers either by a phone call or an "out of stock" notice on their website, then maybe they need to hire more people.
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I did work with them (for months!) that's why it finally got straightened out. And I did send them the bottle. I didn't write the whole story of how I worked with them because it's too long. I think it's great for you that you have such a good experience with them but maybe you're just fortunate (or you know someone that works there). But for me, whenever there was something wrong with my order, they weren't good at correcting the problem and that is why I stopped using them.

I do not have special treatment from them. I think maybe you should try working with someone different. I know that I have had good service from the few people I end up talking to. I know that some of the people that use to work with them have changed. I try to say good things about them because I do believe in them and when and if they make a mistake I try to understand that things happen. I am not perfect as I hope all of you don't believe you are either. I have stated that I have had bad experiences with other companies and understand how you all feel. I will pass on the information that I have read when I place another order next week. I feel that they deserve a fair chance and that they need to know what all I have read this weekend. I don't think they know that you all feel this bad. I do also feel that if they were on here watching that they would do what they can to correct is because If it was my company and I read all this stuff this weekend I would jump to the chance to correct it. I only know that the few people I always talk to give me great service and services my needs the best they can. I am expressing the hands on experience I have had with them and know that it has been great so far. I can tell that people don't seem to like it because I come to there defense and if they don't like it that 's to bad. I am new to this site and help answer questions that people have about candle making. I remember when I first started making them and needed support and will always appreciate that. I guess I am the type of person that give's people more than a few chances to correct things and that's called soft hearted. Maybe it's the way I was raised.

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Congratualtions, bailey, on receiving good service from a company that has treated so many others in an unfair, unfriendly & shoddy manner. If you are happy with C&S (Candles & Supplies) I say stick with them, but there are many, many others on this board that have NOT had positive experiences with them and will no longer do business with such a company. Plus, there are many potential customers on this board that will never place their first order with them. That is what this board is for - to help each other, and I consider this warning by SO many different people a great help to me. Thank you all for relaying your experiences with this company so the rest of us won't have to go through the same things. Maybe we can't put them out of business, but perhaps we can put enough of a dent in it to make them pay attention.

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I do not have special treatment from them. I think maybe you should try working with someone different. I know that I have had good service from the few people I end up talking to. I know that some of the people that use to work with them have changed. I try to say good things about them because I do believe in them and when and if they make a mistake I try to understand that things happen. I am not perfect as I hope all of you don't believe you are either. I have stated that I have had bad experiences with other companies and understand how you all feel. I will pass on the information that I have read when I place another order next week. I feel that they deserve a fair chance and that they need to know what all I have read this weekend. I don't think they know that you all feel this bad. I do also feel that if they were on here watching that they would do what they can to correct is because If it was my company and I read all this stuff this weekend I would jump to the chance to correct it. I only know that the few people I always talk to give me great service and services my needs the best they can. I am expressing the hands on experience I have had with them and know that it has been great so far. I can tell that people don't seem to like it because I come to there defense and if they don't like it that 's to bad. I am new to this site and help answer questions that people have about candle making. I remember when I first started making them and needed support and will always appreciate that. I guess I am the type of person that give's people more than a few chances to correct things and that's called soft hearted. Maybe it's the way I was raised.

I am all for giving someone a chance, but what I think you fail to realize is that a lot of members here have given them the chance. They want to vent their frustrations to people of like mind. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you are getting great service and they are letting you know when stuff is out of stock then of course you would want to continue using them. People on here that have had bad experiences haven't just had one..they have had many...or their one has been drug out forever.

I totally understand your reasoning for defending your supplier, but people do have the right to disagree. I for one do not frequent places I get bad customer service at. I was raised that from a business standpoint your customer is your greatest asset and without great customer service you will not go far. And another saying I was raised on is that when something good happens people tell 5 others when something bad happens people tell everyone they know.(My parents owned their own business for 25 years)

When I get slighted from anywhere...I do not return. Obviously if they do not know how to treat a customer properly then obviously they don't want my business.

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I stand with the majority . . . in my opinion (and yes, I am entitled to it), I think their customer service is very poor. Whatever their problem is . . . short-staffed, untrained staff, company policy, etc. . . . should not be passed on to their customers; that is bad business.

The bottom line is . . . customers who do not feel valued, become ex-customers. (For those who have not experienced this from C&S, that's wonderful, keep buying from them.)

I don't order from C&S anymore, I have found other suppliers who appreciate my business and treat me respectfully. I think it's their loss because they are not getting my money anymore. :wink2:

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I do and will continue to stand by C&S because they have given the best service to me so far. I know when the busy season comes around that they ship my orders to me within 48 hours when some of the other companies wait one week to send my orders out. I'm sure that someone will have something negative to say about that also since most of you seem to thrieve on that. I know that everybody has the right to whatever opinion they want. I just think its terrible that you guys pass your bad experiences onto people who hasn't had the chance to deal with them and all they know is what you all write in here. It seems impossile that every single dealings you had with this company was negative.

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I don't think anyone is dissuading you from using the company Bailey. By all means don't. If it ain't broke for you then no need to fix it and others here shouldn't argue with you for standing up for a company that you have so much trust in. Just respect that others here have been through the ropes with them and are free to express their displeasure too.

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I do and will still stand by C&S. When the busy season come's around they ship my order within 48 hours and some of the other companies ship within one week. I guess people forget about the good things that are done for them when time passes. I sure someone will find something negative to say about that also since several people in here thrieve on that. I am not trying to be rude about all this, I just find it hard to believe that every single dealings you guys have had with them were all negative.

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Actually this is pretty mild and has been rather civil given past conversations of other things (not necessarily suppliers.)

As for me the last couple of times haven't been a gem for me with C&S, but I don't and didn't rely heavily on them. Not saying every dealing has been horrendous. Six or so years ago it wasn't.

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The bottom line is . . . customers who do not feel valued, become ex-customers. (For those who have not experienced this from C&S, that's wonderful, keep buying from them.)

I don't order from C&S anymore, I have found other suppliers who appreciate my business and treat me respectfully.

That post is so on the money.

You need to feel that you matter to some reasonable extent to your supplier. When the "go screw yourself" message is loud and clear what can you do except look elsewhere. Even the final resolution e-mail reads essentially "sorry you were told to go screw yourself but we had our reasons." Fine, thanks for not swiping that money and you won't be seeing it again.

I'm a smallish customer at this point and don't expect to be treated like a big one, but some suppliers have done so nevertheless. A few who I didn't think I'd matter to have exceeded my expectations, gone out of their way to be supportive, and certainly gained my loyalty.

That makes my decisions simple. Others will have different experiences and make their own decisions. However, I won't lose one wink of sleep or have one ounce of regret over posting about C&S. I was warned by a friend, I know now what she was talking about, and lots of other people know. Bad stuff occasionally gets posted about good suppliers, but a thread like this you have to earn.

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Well the joke's on them because they will eventually go out of business. There are a lot of people reading this right now that are now scared to order from them, I am one of them! It makes me so mad that that happened to y'all b/c the way I see it, candle making is not cheap and to totally gaulge (sp?) the customers is definately not the way to run a business. I'm sorry that has happened to y'all, but thanks for the warning.:(

The same goes for me too, I'm not sure if they ship to UK, so I can only imagine the hell it would be trying to deal with them from over here.

So even if they do ship international this is one customer they've missed.

It's hard enough getting candle supplies over here as it is.

On the plus side they've given everyone a valuable lesson in how NOT to treat your customers!


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