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Maximum FO in a Mottled Candle (quick survey)

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What is the highest percentage FO load you've been able to get in a mottled candle without ANY bleed? Before you answer, here are the rules:

(1) The candle had at least 75% surface mottle, not just a splotch here and there.

(2) The candle could be wrapped in paper and not leave any spots.

(3) The surface did not feel at all greasy when the candle was cool.

(4) You could hug it when burning and not have to wash your hands.

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Well.....that's a tricky one. It depends on the FO. I have had some stay greasy for a long time while others are ready to go right from the begining. I can't remember which ones were which because I don't make a lot of them at the moment. I also think that you have to stir and stir and stir some FO's before they bind. There was a book published a little over 30 years ago titled "The Art and Science of Candlemaking"....is it out of print and you can't get a copy. I am trying. Bill Binder, the owner of Candlewic, said he is looking into getting it re-published as it is over 30 years. I offered to give him a thousand dollar deoposit to borrow it over a weekend. He said he had done that in the past but just couldn't do it anymore. I am still waiting to see it in print...guess I should email him and see how it is going. He said it is a great book. Explains a lot of stuff. Donita

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What is the highest percentage FO load you've been able to get in a mottled candle without ANY bleed? Before you answer, here are the rules:

(1) The candle had at least 75% surface mottle, not just a splotch here and there. Get that all the time at 4-6%

(2) The candle could be wrapped in paper and not leave any spots. Not happening here, may leave some spots, less over time

(3) The surface did not feel at all greasy when the candle was cool. Frequently

(4) You could hug it when burning and not have to wash your hands. Not yet......

These are the flaws of mottles that I've not overcome; they seem to be the nature of the Beast. When you figure it out, will you share, pretty please? :wink2:


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