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Hurricane Candles

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I want to try hurricane candles, where can I find one of those handles that you put on the mold to dip in the cold water bath? Any info would sure be helpful, cuz I'm new at this. Some of the hurricane shells are just so pretty! Donita's are gorgeous! I saw one of the handle thingys and now can't remember where. Getting old, I guess :cry2: Thanks for all your help!


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Thank you Dee......I bought one of those hold-a-molds a long time ago and I hated it. I use four bounty paper towels folded into a potholder....make two...get them wet and you can easily pick up your mold and place it in the water bath. For my tiny canes, I just use one towel. They can be re-used a few times if you don't spill was on them. Bounty does hold up. I use cases of the stuff. Donita

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Do you make the canes like they say to do it on this site? I was going to try it that way. And then I want to try to add something to it, like a pic or something. Any suggestions on how to start this project? I can't wait to try one! :cheesy2:


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Well...I tried one! I used a picturre of my g/f boy and it turned out pretty good for a first time try. I didn't have any other wax but votive and J50, so I used the votive wax. What is the best wax to use? Also, how do you get the inside of the shell nice and smooth? I'd post a pic of it but I can't get my camera to work lately.:mad:


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Thanks much, I'm not sure what 3% micro 180 per pound means, :cry2: I'm new! But I'm going to look into it. Right now I have to go to work :angry2: I'd like to stay home and play with wax. I'll get back to you later. Thanks a lot! Dee

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You are lucky since the supplier is in PA. Candlewic has the 5055 and micro 180. Don't panic when you look at the micro 180. Click on order now and you see where you can order a 1 lb block of the stuff. High temp paraffin waxes tend to be brittle. The micro 180 helps with that.

Good Luck

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  • 4 months later...

I don't know what you guys use out there, but I hate hold a molds!

My greatest find was a pair of gardening gloves, the cloth ones with rubber fingers. They work fantastic! The silicone fingers grip the mold, are heat proof, and water proof! How perfect is that?

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