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I was asked to make some citronilla tea light and votive candles and I'm not sure about the oil. Does anyone know if citronilla is just another fragrance oil, and if it is does it repel the bugs or do I need to search for citronilla oil like they sell at the hardware store? Also, what about wicking for something like this? I suppose the candle would have to burn pretty hot for the oil to be effective-right? Thanks for any help and suggestions.



wouldn't you at least have to use Citronella EO as it's the essential oil that repels the bugs? Doesn't an FO just smell like the real thing, but not have the same repellent properties? I don't think it's the smell that mossies don't like it's the fumes given off by citronella oil?

Not sure, but makes sense to me?


Real Citronella has the natural components that bugs find offensive. I make a Citronella, Lavender, Peppermint blend. Those three oils are natural pest repellents. Remember FO's are made up of chemicals that resemble the scents. They don't have the same chemical properties as EO's just because they smell similar. We just use the FO's instead to cut down on costs. Those three EO's are not expensive. And as far as strength. I have some curing in the basement for months. The minute I open them. Uff Dah!!

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