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Beware of your competitors...


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W:mad: W, I don't know what to say, its WAY beyond copying is the sincerest form of flattery. I feel so bad I wish I had some words of wisdom to impart but I don't.

Strong personality or not I would confront her, I'm surprised one of your co-workers haven't. You are definately one classy lady to be as civil as you are.

She REALLY should be careful as people are crazy now a days and ya never know what they could do - hint hint ;)

I'm glad you at least know how this is happening so you know not to say anything on here anymore.

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I guess it's hard to know exactly where everyone lives in this message board. I do not mind giving advice and taking it, knowing that I'm not actually

taking anyones business away from them, or them from me.

In fact, I make my own soap and regularily buy people's B&B and Soap

from this message board. I'd say I use other sellers soaps more than my own. LOL

But if this weasel knows that she is stealing your ideas and using them to her own advantage, then that is distusting! :shocked2:

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I just want to thank everyone for your support and ideas. Hopefully she will read this and get the hint!

This situation has been going on for almost a year now. Everytime she copies something I just keep my head held high, my mouth shut, and go to work on my next design. But the logo and design thing was the last straw!

I guess I'd better get busy on something new! I have alot of work to do.

Thanks again!

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Strong personality is NOT how I would describe such a loser. Just keep your head up and know that you are the better person here. It's a shame that this "person" has no imagination or artistic ability whatsoever. Whoever this person is, I challenge them to have the courage to speak up. This is probably the way she has gotten through her entire life: copying others work and taking credit for it. She does sleep well at night because she has no conscience. I take pride in my work and that's something she will never know.

Dang Jeff, you took the words right outta my mouth!! :D Seriously, normal peeps (like most of us here) would be just totally against this, yes we get ideas, and yes, sometimes we do similar things, but geesh..... :rolleyes:

It really does take all kinds huh?

I think you should do what someone else mentioned, just post or tell someone at work that you're thinking up a new and improved "thingy" something really off the wall wacky, and then see what SHE comes up. ;)

Of course I'm with the others in that I'd be calling her on it, no matter her "strong Personality" which is up for debate based on her actions anyway, I'd be livid.

I mean come on, I've seen SOME labels that look similar but not full on exactly the same, same colors, shape etc. there is just NO way she could have just come by that on her own. :rolleyes:

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I'm so sorry that happened to you......her day WILL come then you can sit back and snicker about payback being a bitch!! :naughty: That is one of the reasons I don't post pictures of anything to do with my business on the boards. Sharing pixs of products, brochures, web sites, etc. puts it out there for anyone to copy and I will never go there!! :cool2:

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I am so sorry for you:cry2: that sucks I would tell that girl off in a big way, you can do it without cussing and making yourself look stupid, Just tell her that you know what shes doing and its pretty bad that she has to get all of her ideas from you, if she cant think of her own ideas shes not a real candlemaker just a candlecopyer, tell her to come up with her own stuff soon or youll start letting her customers know what a lowdown dirty rip off dog she is:mad: best of luck to you hun, your better than this woman you know it, so just sit back and laugh at her maybe even feel a little sorry for her, know that you are the one who came up with the ideas and rest assure someone like this wont last long

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I agree with Roxi...some people just amaze me sometimes. These types of people are the ones that get under your skin. For this reason, it is why I too, don't post alot of pics and brochures and stuff pertaining to my business on here. I don't even have my website posted. I really would rather be safe than sorry. Hang in there, you'll think of some way to make her look like an A$$. What goes around ...comes around and bites you in the ass!

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