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Floral and carved canes

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Only easy if you know what you are doing and you obviously do. Both look great. Have you overdipped the floral? Have you invented a gizmo to make overdipping easier? I keep checking your web site thinking you'll come up with an easier way to do this.

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Beautiful!!! Can I ask how you are applying the flowers to the cane? I am always trying a different way to see which way I like. So far, I have used tacky wax and spray adhesive. I know some instructions say you can use white glue but haven't tried that yet.

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I used mod podge and added some fabric stiffener to thin it down but not to the point that it was runny. I was working on another project that didn't work out so thought I'd try it for the flowers. I don't know if water will work and straight mod podge is too thick. Brushed it on the wax and stuck on the flowers, waited a bit and brushed on top of the flowers and let it dry. I did notice that the centers were starting to raise so I put a pin pricks in it and used my finger to work out the glue and air.

This takes more time than the way Donita does it but than Donita is fast.:rolleyes2


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Very nice Janet....I still am practicing with the carved thing and mine look really stupid. I have linoleum carving tools and pottery tools, but I can't make it look good...yet...or maybe never. Sharyl....it isn't hard to overdip. I have done so many that I am very careful and can dip right to the very top. I slant it toward me until the wax just touches the top, then tilt it back to get that side. After all is said and done....I level the bottom and the top too. On very tall candles, if I don't want to heat up my tall over dip vats, I do what Janet did....first dip the top then the bottom and sorta move it so you don't get a wax line. It just takes a little practice. I recently tried gluing some flowers on and I didn't like it. Back to brushing on the tacky wax and pressing them on with hot knives. That way they become part of the candle. I also have been adding more beeswax to my overdip and it it adhering better. I found that out when I made some beeswax orbs last week. I overdippied them in 100% yellow beeswax and they look great. I thought it might fog them up but it didn't.(and that stuff sticks) I will take some pics and post them....for the white ones that we are doing, I am using white beeswax mixed into the paraffin. (4045 EP). Just one dip and they are fine. Very clear. Donita

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Tonya....use the natural beeswax as an overdip for natural beeswax. Use the bleached to overdip a white balloon candle. I just made 12 little "snowballs" and I will photograph them along with the natural beeswax. Donita

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