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Bohunks ??


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I made some of this and love it, but I have a question. When its first made its almost a butter consistancy, after it sits for awhile it turns almost liquidy (if thats a word:confused: ) is that normal? I love the thickness of it at first but then it kinda fizzles out. Is there something I am doing wrong, is there something that I can do to make it stay more firm?

Thanks in advance


PS...would anyone be willing to sell me some of theirs so I can just if I am even getting it right? I would love you forever!!!:grin2:

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I made some a little while back and it's done somewhat the same thing. It was nice and rich and creamy and now it more foamy than rich. It does still feel the same just appears different. I have no idea if that makes sense.

I'm not really selling yet but I'll trade you a 4oz size jar (about 2 oz scrub) for some of yours to try out. I wanna see (feel) the difference in oils used, I just used grocery store oils.


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hey angied.....my tweaked recipe feels awesome...after it sat alittle the consistency is still the same the longer I let it set the foamier it gets. It is as if it has a liquid soap in it binding it but it doesn't. I only up'd the ewax everything else to the tee. I didn't whip and set whip and set as much as a matter of fact I only cooled completely whipped, whipped in shea folded in sugar. I love it. But I too wonder if it looks the way it is supposed to. :tiptoe:

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Mine does the opposite too. It starts out a bit runny, but then thickens after a few days. Is it warm where you are? I know this can melt in warmer temps. Have you tried whipping it? It gives it a wonderful change and really makes it look nice. I usually just melt whatever needs to be melted, add my other oils, mix for a few minutes, pop in the freezer for 5-10 minutes and then whip away until it looks like cool whip. Some days I need to put it back in the freezer again. It usually sets up in about 20-30 minutes. You can use a whisk attachment, but I have also just used my regular beaters. Once it is nice and fluffy and cooled, I add my preservative, fo and sugar. It is also important to not add too much sugar. I have found that with too much sugar, it makes the product turn really hard. Even though some really like more of a scrub in the long run it just turns hard. I have added a few jojoba beads to get extra scrubbies without causing the product to firm. Yet, jojoba beads do leave themselves behind in the tub!!!


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