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EZ Wick Centering Tool

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These are amazing and sooo simple..

If you haven't tried them yet... Well go get them..

It made centering my wicks so much eaiser!!

I just put them on and bend my wick over (:whip: ) and that is it!!!

It is centered, and my CD wick holds taught. I don't have to clip the top!!!


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I'm going to have to have my husband check mine...it has yet to place a wick on center. Maybe it's bent and I just can't see it. I'll have him use that leveler...(the bubble in the middle thingy).

I am finding it to be a pain, actually. I have to guide it to the center. I can do that with a straw, for goodness sakes, and much faster.

I have high hopes, I just would like the stupid thing to work correctly!

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Tell me if I understand this right. You center the tab on the bottom, with the wick setter, and the top with the centering tool. You dont have to buy the setter, if you eye ball your tabs?? Then you can just buy the top part, centering tool? They look neat!! I want some!! :P

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Fern-Marie this is Robert with EZ Wick Systems. I pm'd you about your tool. It could be that you have a bent rod. But also it sounds like it might not be setting right in your container. If the tool fits sloppy in your container then it will not set the wick in the center. What container are you using. We do offer to modify tools to fit containers the the setter does not fit. In either case let me know if it is a bent rod I will send you a new setter to try out at no charge. If it doesnt fit your container you can send me your container and we will modify to fit. HTH

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The first few times I used the EZ Wick Setter, I thought it didn't center the wicks in my jars. So I sat down with it and the instructions and read everything again. (I'm slow). I had not been following the instructions on setting it up properly. I had been tightening the thumb screw without holding down the spring. Made a big difference! Now it centers every time!! A great invention!

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