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Anyone getting orders for unsented candles~ bird flu suppies?

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My sister just called and want me to price her out a case or more of my candles without color or scent. She says she's getting stocked up for when the bird flue hits. I done my own research and it's one of many items listed in emergancy stockpile lists.

I'm just wondering if it makes sense to make up for than just a few dozen to have on hand for those wanting them. Of course the price would be cheaper too

Are many making stockpiles of anti bacterial soaps too to have on hand?

I'm not trying to alarm anyone but it's a good idea if we're chandler and soapers to make up now what we know WILL be in demand.:shocked2:


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I understand the antibacterial soap thing.. Which is really a good idea..

But why the unscented, undyed candles??

Did they just up the warnings for the bird flu???

That is one scary problem we will all have to deal with, if and when it hits.

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What the US Goverment is saying is stocking up on survival supplies in case the power goes out due to workers not showing up because of the bird pandemic. Electric suppy could be interrupted for days or weeks. And if that's the case, candles will be needed. Also that candles can be used to bater with for other supplies like food and the like.

And people will want unscented candles that are safe. I know if I'm burning a candle due to power going out, I'd rather burn unscented too. If you have have them in every single room, the scents might clash.

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What the US Goverment is saying is stocking up on survival supplies in case the power goes out due to workers not showing up because of the bird pandemic. Electric suppy could be interrupted for days or weeks. And if that's the case, candles will be needed. Also that candles can be used to bater with for other supplies like food and the like.

OMG, that would be horrible situation... wasn't even thinking along those

lines. :shocked2:

That is a good idea to plan ahead for any epidemic like that.

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That so reminds me of all the scares for Jan. 1, 2000. The doomsayers were almost predicting the end of the world. It is more likely that candles will be needed for this years hurricane season than for the bird flu. JMO I do fill up the gas tank of my car for hurricanes. Didn't for 1/1/00 and don't plan to do so for the bird flu.

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That is a great idea and one I think I am going to follow,,,we have put bottled drinking water and have put certain foods that are not perishable in a cabinet. Just in case,,,Its better to be ready then to wait and then you have nothing stored up at all,,,,Always best to be prepared...Thanks for sharing!!!

Oh and to think that this flu will NEVER come here, is not good thinking or caring for yourself and your loved ones,,,JMHO

Prepared to be slammed for my last statement but thats okay,,,I know I WILL be ready!!!

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That is a great idea and one I think I am going to follow,,,we have put bottled drinking water and have put certain foods that are not perishable in a cabinet. Just in case,,,Its better to be ready then to wait and then you have nothing stored up at all,,,,Always best to be prepared...Thanks for sharing!!!

Oh and to think that this flu will NEVER come here, is not good thinking or caring for yourself and your loved ones,,,JMHO

Prepared to be slammed for my last statement but thats okay,,,I know I WILL be ready!!!

Oh no! I fully agree with you! They just discovered it in Scotland about a week ago and England has been trying to determine where to dig mass grave sites in the country too.

The fact of the matter is is that if this flu mutates and justs to the next level, millions will die and unless you're prepaired to stay home and have the supplies to stay in door and not go out for two months, you can catch easily enough. The people in the Japan and China as well as Africa and India will be the major trouble spots because their population live so tightly together.

If this flu hitsEVERYONE will be rushi9ng for the same supplies all at once which is why the goverment says to stock up now! Before it hit.

And it's not the flu that everyone fears but the panic it will bring on with the public that will cause the problems. Look at the aftermath of Katrina. That's the scary part.

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There is nothing wrong with being prepared for an emergency. It is the people who go crazy trying to stockpile, purchasing massive amounts of things, building bunkers, etc that I think most people are tired of hearing from. I was reading the newspaper and it was discussing the fact that so far this year there have been 268 tornados and last year in the same time frame there was 70. So far this year most hurricanes have been devastating. I can't condemn anyone for being ready, just think some go way overboard.

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"They" are saying to stock up on candles. The government says to have flashlights, lanterns, and batteries on hand.

Candles can be dangerous during situations where large numbers of people are scared and panicking, and shouldn't be used for emergency situations.




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