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firestarters warning labels

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Here is how my label reads:

CAUTION: Firestarters are NOT candles. DO NOT burn outside of fireplace or campfire!! DO NOT use to start pits or grills that are used for food preparation. Check owner’s manual before burning in wood stoves. Keep Firestarters out of the reach of children and pets. All standard fire precautions should be used when using Cabin Dream Firestarters.

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Here's ours....

THIS IS NOT A CANDLE! These are firestarters, intended for starting a fire in campfires & fireplaces. Place one firestarter on top of a small pile of kindling, place small diameter logs on top, light the wick. Wax will flare up enough to ignite the logs, then the wax will be consumed by the fire. All standard fire precautions should be used when using firestarters. Keep away from reach of children.



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DO NOT use to start pits or grills that are used for food preparation.quote]

I figure they can't be any worse for the food and a lot safer than the ton of gas the men in my family think it is funny to start a fire with. :rolleyes2 We all just let it burn for an hour or so before dinner. Would that work for the firestarters also? I was gonna start making them this year especially for the family as I am sick of hearing "everyone stand back, do we have all the kids out of the way". Just checking don't wanna make anyone sick while trying to make it safer!

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DO NOT use to start pits or grills that are used for food preparation.quote]

I figure they can't be any worse for the food and a lot safer than the ton of gas the men in my family think it is funny to start a fire with. :rolleyes2 We all just let it burn for an hour or so before dinner. Would that work for the firestarters also? I was gonna start making them this year especially for the family as I am sick of hearing "everyone stand back, do we have all the kids out of the way". Just checking don't wanna make anyone sick while trying to make it safer!

Un-scented & un-colored woud be ok but what most of us use is our colored and scented scrap wax and I don't know how safe burning scents & color are around food. Just don't know what chemicals are released.

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My boyfriend used a firestarter on our BBQ pit last summer against my pleading not too. It is not like starter fluid. It was gross. The food turned out ok, but for hours after you could smell the wax burning until the coals went out. I don't think it is harmful but it makes hanging out in the yard smelly.


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  • 1 year later...
Here is how my label reads:

CAUTION: Firestarters are NOT candles. DO NOT burn outside of fireplace or campfire!! DO NOT use to start pits or grills that are used for food preparation. Check owner’s manual before burning in wood stoves. Keep Firestarters out of the reach of children and pets. All standard fire precautions should be used when using Cabin Dream Firestarters.

Bumping this!


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